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What is the Journal of Adolescent Health peer-reviewed?

The Journal of Adolescent Health is a peer-reviewed medical journal covering adolescent health and medicine, including biological, psychological, and social aspects. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, letters to the editor, commentaries, and case reports.

What is the impact factor for Journal of Adolescent Health?

Journal of Adolescent Health/Impact Factor

Is the Journal of Adolescent Health credible?

The Journal of Adolescent Health has an Impact Factor of 4.02, and ranks highly in several categories of both the Science and Social Sciences editions of the Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters: 9th of 164 journals in Public, Environmental and Occupational Health (Social Sciences edition)

How do you identify a nursing journal?

The best way to find nursing research articles is by using the database CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature). The CINAHL Plus with Full Text database is also available from the Health Sciences Library list of databases.

What is a reflective journal in nursing?

Reflective journal writing is a way of documenting what you’re thinking and feeling in the moment, and can be a useful tool to help manage stress and anxiety.

What was the first nursing journal?

Under the influence of Florence Nightingale, nursing became a scientific field of study and an independent discipline in healthcare. On March 6, 1886, the first nursing journal, The Nightingale was published, becoming the first nursing journal.

What is a good impact factor for nursing journals?

Nursing Journals Impact Factors List
Journal Name Journal Impact Factor*
Diversity & Equality in Health and Care 1.43 2.45 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)
Clinical Investigation 1.08 1.75 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)
Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education 0.73 1.15 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor)

Is the Journal of child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing?

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing is the only nursing journal to focus exclusively on issues of child and adolescent mental health around the world.

Which is the only nursing journal that focuses on children?

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing (JCAPN) is the only nursing journal to focus exclusively on issues of child and adolescent mental health around the world.

Is the Journal of Adolescent Health in progress?

JAH is proud to present a new supplement issue in progress, Measure of Adolescents’ Mental Health at the Population Level.