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What is the cause of Conjunctivochalasis?

What causes conjunctivochalasis? In most instances, conjunctivochalasis is believed to be triggered by the natural age-related thinning and stretching of the conjunctiva, which is the mucous membrane that covers the front of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelid.

What is a conjunctival lesion?

A conjunctival bleb is formed when there is a direct connection of the aqueous in the anterior chamber to the subconjunctival space. • Pyogenic granuloma is an inflammatory lesion of the conjunctiva, usually following surgery or even minor trauma to the conjunctiva. • There are two forms of conjunctival papillomas.

What is bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva?

The palpebral conjunctiva lines the eyelids. The bulbar conjunctiva is found on the eyeball over the anterior sclera.

How is Conjunctivochalasis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of CCh is mainly clinical. Slit lamp biomicroscopy (by an eye specialist) shows prolapsed or folds of conjunctiva in temporal, nasal or central part of lower lid-margin. Presence of redundant conjunctiva over lower lid margin suggests CCh.

Can Conjunctivochalasis heal on its own?

If a person has conjunctivochalasis, it is unlikely that the condition will go away on its own.

What is a lesion on the eye?

Eyelid & Eye Lesions. Lesions are cellular growths that can appear on the eye or the eyelid in many different shapes and forms. Most often these growths are non-cancerous but can nonetheless lead to loss of vision, discomfort, and can be embarrassing.

What are the layers of the conjunctiva?

Microscopically conjunctiva consists of three layers- epithelium, adenoid layer, and a fibrous layer.

  • Conjunctival Epithelium:
  • Substantia propria or conjunctival submucosa:
  • Fibrous layer:

What is sclera and conjunctiva?

The conjunctiva, a thin layer of tissue lining the eye and eyelids, contributes to homeostasis of the tear film, provides a layer of protection from foreign material and wards off infection. The sclera, a dense connective tissue made of collagen and elastin, encapsulates the eye, giving it structure and rigidity.

What is bulbar conjunctiva in human eye?

Bulbar conjunctiva. This portion of the conjunctiva covers the anterior part of the sclera (the “white” of the eye). The bulbar conjunctiva stops at the junction between the sclera and cornea; it does not cover the cornea.

What is the bulbar?

neurological disorders (In this context, the term bulbar refers to the medulla oblongata, which looks like a swelling, or bulb, at the top of the spinal cord.) Damage to the 9th through 12th cranial nerves, the bulbar nerves, causes impairment of swallowing and speech and…

What kind of lesion is the interpalpebral bulbar conjunctiva?

Pinguecula is a common nonmalignant, raised lesion that is most often in the interpalpebral bulbar conjunctiva. This yellowish lesion is a degeneration of elastic tissue and subepithelial collagen with hyalinized connective tissue that does not often involve the cornea.

Is the interpalpebral space of the conjunctiva susceptible to UV radiation?

The interpalpebral space of the conjunctiva frequently develops irregular tissue changes that are, mostly, minimally pathologic or not pathologic at all. This location is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation and atmospheric irritants and is susceptible to dryness; thus, lesions such as pingueculae and pterygia are commonly encountered ocular

Where are the conjunctival lesions of the caruncle?

Pedunculated papilloma of the caruncle (stained with fluorescein). Conjunctival naevi are common and are located in the interpalpebral bulbar conjunctiva close to the limbus or at the caruncle. The naevus is a discrete, flat or slightly elevated sessile lesion. The colour can be from pale to brown to a dark black.

Which is a nonmalignant raised lesion in the conjunctiva?

You will see any number of these issues in your chair, and being able to recognize them quickly will give you a head start on diagnosis and management. Pinguecula is a common nonmalignant, raised lesion that is most often in the interpalpebral bulbar conjunctiva.