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What is spinlock in operating system?

Spin locks are a low-level synchronization mechanism suitable primarily for use on shared memory multiprocessors. When the calling thread requests a spin lock that is already held by another thread, the second thread spins in a loop to test if the lock has become available.

Can spin locks be used in user mode?

spinlooks are kernel structures, and are not to be used in user-space. for user space, a mutex such as pthread mutex is the best way to go. if you want the same code to work also in user-space and also in kernel mode, you need to use ifdefs.

What is meant by busy waiting or spinlock?

What Is Busy Waiting? Busy waiting, also known as spinning, or busy looping is a process synchronization technique in which a process/task waits and constantly checks for a condition to be satisfied before proceeding with its execution.

What are the characteristics of spinlock?

A spinlock is a simple synchronization object providing mutual exclusion. A spinlock has two operations, lock and unlock . Only one core can have the lock at a time. Normal x86-64 load and store instructions can’t provide mutual exclusion: special instructions, such as lock xchg and mfence , are required.

Where is spinlock used?

SpinLock are typically used when working with interrupts to perform busy waiting inside a loop till the resource is made available. SpinLock don’t cause the thread to be preempted, rather, it continues to spin till lock on the resource is released.

Is a semaphore a spinlock?

A spinlock is one possible implementation of a lock, namely one that is implemented by busy waiting (“spinning”). A semaphore is a generalization of a lock (or, the other way around, a lock is a special case of a semaphore).

Is spinlock a deadlock?

Summary: Deadlock is a problem, in concurrent programming. While Spinlock is a solution for threads, so that two threads can not access the same resource at a time.

How is spinlock implemented?

This is a lock that can be held by only one thread of execution at a time. An attempt to acquire the lock by another thread of execution makes the latter loop until the lock is released.

Can spinlock cause deadlock?

Attempting to acquire a second spin lock while holding another spin lock also can cause deadlocks or poor driver performance.

What is the main advantage of Spinlocks?

Because they avoid overhead from operating system process rescheduling or context switching, spinlocks are efficient if threads are likely to be blocked for only short periods. For this reason, operating-system kernels often use spinlocks.

When should you spinlock?

Which is better queued spin lock or ordinary spin lock?

Queued spin locks provide better performance than ordinary spin locks for high contention locks on multiprocessor machines. For more information, see Queued Spin Locks. Drivers for Windows 2000 can use KeAcquireSpinLock and KeReleaseSpinLock to acquire and release a spin lock as an ordinary spin lock.

How is a spin lock used in SMP?

Spin locks are kernel-defined, kernel-mode-only synchronization mechanisms, exported as an opaque type: KSPIN_LOCK. A spin lock can be used to protect shared data or resources from simultaneous access by routines that can execute concurrently and at IRQL >= DISPATCH_LEVEL in SMP machines.

Why do you need a spin lock in Win32?

A Spin Lock is an inter-process or task synchronization mechanism like a Mutex, Semaphore or a (Win32) Critical Section. Spin Locks are often used in Symmetric Multiprocessor Operating System Kernels. Because sometimes it is more efficient to constantly poll for the availability of a lock rather than…

Can a spin lock be used on a uni processor?

Spin Locks can either be used on an embedded device without an operating system, or they can be used – with care – on a SMP machine with a SMP operating system. The mechanism is used to enforce mutual exclusion for shared resources. It is not recommended to use (blocking) Spin Locks on uni-processor systems.