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What is PRECEDE-PROCEED model in health promotion?

The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is a comprehensive structure for assessing health needs for designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to meet those needs. PRECEDE stands for Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation.

What are the stages of PRECEDE-PROCEED model?

PROCEED has four phases: Phase 6: Implementation. Phase 7: Process evaluation. Phase 8: Impact evaluation. Phase 9: Outcome evaluation.

What are the eight phases of precede-proceed?

The PRECEDE–PROCEED planning model consists of four planning phases, one implementation phase, and 3 evaluation phases….Description.

PRECEDE phases PROCEED phases
Phase 4 – Administrative & Policy Diagnosis Phase 8 – Outcome Evaluation


The PRECEDE-PROCEED model of health program planning and evaluation was developed by Lawrence Green and Marshall Kreuter in an effort to improve effectiveness of community health programs.

What’s the difference between precede and proceed?

Precede means “to come, be, or go before.” It can also mean to surpass in rank or dignity. The closely related word proceed means “to continue after a pause” or “to begin and carry on an action.” Often precede is related to time, while proceed is related to action.

Is precede-proceed a logic model?

PRECEDE-PROCEED provides a logic model that can serve as the basis for an individual, one-time intervention or a decades-long community development program or project. A major reason to use PRECEDE-PROCEED is that it is a logic model.

Why was the precede-proceed model created?

The Precede-Proceed Model is the framework around which Green and Kreuter teamed with Robert Gold, now Dean of the College of Health and Human Performance at the University of Maryland, to build EMPOWER (CD-ROM software and manual) to provide technical guidance and assistance to those involved in the complex process of …

Why was the precede proceed model created?

What is the focus of the Precede portion of the model?

PRECEDE is the diagnostic portion of the model. It starts with the idea that the focus of change must be on its desired outcome, and works backward from that outcome to construct an intervention that will bring it about.

How do you use precede?

1[transitive, intransitive] precede (somebody/something) to happen before something or come before something or someone in order the years preceding the war His resignation was preceded by weeks of speculation. She preceded me in the job.

What do you need to know about the PRECEDE PROCEED model?

The PRECEDE-PROCEED model is a comprehensive structure for assessing health needs for designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion and other public health programs to meet those needs.

How does the PRECEDE PROCEED model apply to public health?

The PRECEDE-PROCEED model applies a medical perspective to public health, even though its focus is health promotion, rather than treatment of disease. Just as a medical diagnosis precedes treatment, the model assumes that a far-reaching diagnosis should precede a public health intervention.

How is PRECEDE PROCEED used in Nursing Research?

Precede-Proceed provides a robust framework for nursing researchers investigating health promotion in cancer survivors; however, additional theoretical lenses to those embedded in the model can enhance data interpretation. Using the Precede-Proceed Model of Health Program Planning in breast cancer nursing research

How is PRECEDE-PROCEED used in the community?

PRECEDE-PROCEED is structured as a participatory model, to incorporate the ideas and help of the community. That means that its use will provide you with more, and more accurate, information about the issues in question, and with a better understanding of their history and context in the community.