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What is oxymoronic expression?

An oxymoron (usual plural oxymorons, more rarely oxymora) is a figure of speech that juxtaposes concepts with opposing meanings within a word or phrase that creates an ostensible self-contradiction. An oxymoron can be used as a rhetorical device to illustrate a rhetorical point or to reveal a paradox.

What is oxymoron give 5 examples?

Oxymorons like “seriously funny,” “original copy,” “plastic glasses,” and “clearly confused” juxtapose opposing words next to one another, but their ability to make sense despite their opposing forces adds wit to writing. Reveal a deeper meaning. The dichotomy of an oxymoron often expresses a complex idea.

What is an oxymoronic person?

In my opinion, referring to a person being an oxymoron, “I’m an oxymoron,” means to be stupid and smart at the same time. A clever idiot or pretending to be smart. Either in general or on a specific topic.

Which of the following is an example of oxymoron?

For instance, “loving hate,” “heavy lightness,” “feather of lead,” “bright smoke,” “cold fire,” and “sick health” are all oxymoron examples.

Can you give me an example of an oxymoron?

The most common type of oxymoron is an adjective followed by a noun. One oxymoron example is “deafening silence,” which describes a silence that is so overpowering it almost feels deafening, or extremely loud—just as an actual sound would.

What is oxymoron give 2 examples?

The word is derived from two Greek words, namely “oxus” (sharp) and “moros” (dull). Some common oxymoron examples include “pretty ugly,” “only choice,” and “same difference.”

Which is an example of an oxymoron phrase?

Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect. The common oxymoron phrase is a combination of an adjective proceeded by a noun with contrasting meanings, such as “cruel kindness,” or “living death”.

Are there any Oxymorons in the first three letters of the alphabet?

There are oxymorons throughout the alphabet, from “a” to “z.” There are quite a few in just the first three letters. Oxymorons aren’t limited to the first few letters of the alphabet. Keep going to discover even more. Are you still searching for the perfect oxymoron? There are plenty more to be discovered!

Can you use daily night as an oxymoron?

The phrase daily night certainly features contrary wording. However, if there is no figurative or underlying meaning to the phrase, it shouldn’t be used as a proper oxymoron.

What is the difference between an oxymoron and a paradox?

A paradox may consist of a sentence, or even a group of sentences. An oxymoron, on the other hand, is a combination of two contradictory or opposite words. A paradox seems contradictory to the general truth, but it does contain an implied truth. An oxymoron, however, may produce a dramatic effect,…