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What is meant by Christianization?

Christianization is the conversion of individuals to Christianity or the conversion of entire peoples at once.

What is the meaning of Christianese?

Christianese (or Christianeze) refers to the contained terms and jargon used within many of the branches and denominations of Christianity as a functional system of religious terminology.

Is Christendom the same as Christianity?

Think of the distinctions roughly like this—Christianity is the faith, Christians are believers in the faith, and Christendom is the collective culture and institutions (universities, ministries) of the faith.

Who first converted to Christianity?

Saint Cornelius the Centurion
Cornelius (Greek: Κορνήλιος, romanized: Kornélios; Latin: Cornelius) was a Roman centurion who is considered by Christians to be the first Gentile to convert to the faith, as related in Acts of the Apostles (see Ethiopian eunuch for the competing tradition)….Cornelius the Centurion.

Saint Cornelius the Centurion
Attributes Roman military garb

When did paganism end in Norway?

Unfortunately, the party was brought to an end during the 11th century. It was then that Norway’s rulers imposed Christianity onto the population. As a result, pagan religious structures were torn down and burned, and Norse gods were demonized.

How did Europe convert to Christianity?

Beginning in the Middle East, Christianity began its spread north and west into Europe, carried by merchants, missionaries, and soldiers. As a result, in 313, the Edict of Milan was passed, which guaranteed freedom of religion throughout the Roman Empire, ending the persecution of Christians.

What are religious words?


  • religious. adjective. believing strongly in your religion and carefully obeying its rules.
  • spiritual. adjective. religious, or related to religious issues.
  • holy. adjective. respected for living a very religious life.
  • devout. adjective. very religious.
  • orthodox. adjective.
  • pious. adjective.
  • observant. adjective.
  • godly. adjective.

When did Christendom end?

According to British historian Diarmaid MacCulloch (2010), Christendom was ‘killed’ by the First World War (1914–18), which led to the fall of the three main Christian empires (Russian, German and Austrian) of Europe, as well as the Ottoman Empire, rupturing the Eastern Christian communities that had existed on its …

Where do gentiles come from?

Gentile, person who is not Jewish. The word stems from the Hebrew term goy, which means a “nation,” and was applied both to the Hebrews and to any other nation. The plural, goyim, especially with the definite article, ha-goyim, “the nations,” meant nations of the world that were not Hebrew.