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What is EXSY NMR?

The 2D EXchange SpectroscopY (EXSY) technique is exactly the same as the same as the 2D NOESY technique. The pulse sequences are identical. The method provides off-diagonal responses for spins which exchange slowly with one another (either conformationally or chemically) and also between spins with NOE’s.

What is EXSY?

The exchange spectroscopy (EXSY) experiment is a homonuclear, shift correlated spectroscopy where coherence transfer takes place through chemical or conformational exchange.

How do you read Noesy Spectra?

Just like in a COSY spectrum, all of the peaks that show up along the diagonal of a NOESY spectrum are simple the ones we would see in a regular 1H spectrum. The peaks that show up off the diagonal tell us about through-space relationships….5.4: NOESY Spectra.

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What is Noesy NMR?

Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy (NOESY) is a 2D NMR spectroscopic method used to identify nuclear spins undergoing cross-relaxation and to measure their cross-relaxation rates. The spins precess during the evolution time t1, which is incremented during the course of the 2D experiment.

How does HSQC work?

HSQC works by transferring magnetization from the I nucleus (usually the proton) to the S nucleus (usually the heteroatom) using the INEPT pulse sequence; this first step is done because the proton has a greater equilibrium magnetization and thus this step creates a stronger signal.

What does HSQC stand for?

Heteronuclear Single-Quantum Correlation Spectroscopy (HSQC) HSQC determines the correlations between two different types of nuclei (commonly 1H with 13C or 15N), which are separated by one bond.

What is the difference between Noesy and Roesy?

ROESY is similar to NOESY, except that the initial state is different. In NOESY the cross-relaxation rate constant goes from positive to negative as the correlation time increases, giving a range where it is near zero, whereas in ROESY the cross-relaxation rate constant is always positive.

What does Hsqc stand for?

What does 2D NMR tell you?

Two-dimensional NMR spectra provide more information about a molecule than one-dimensional NMR spectra and are especially useful in determining the structure of a molecule, particularly for molecules that are too complicated to work with using one-dimensional NMR.

What is the difference between COSY and Noesy?

For example, the presence of a cross peak (a correlation off the diagonal) on a COSY dataset is a result of nuclei coupling through a bond(s) whereas a NOESY dataset measures NOE’s (Nuclear Overhauser Effect) through space regardless of the number of bonds separating the nuclei.

Is the 2d ex change’s pectroscop y ( EXSY ) the same?

The 2D EX change S pectroscop Y (EXSY) technique is exactly the same as the same as the 2D NOESY technique. The pulse sequences are identical. The method provides off-diagonal responses for spins which exchange slowly with one another (either conformationally or chemically) and also between spins with NOE’s.

How are modified EXSY pulse sequences used for protein hydration?

Modified EXSY pulse sequences have been proposed to remove NOE effects (CLEAN-EXSY experiment) and to study protein hydration (89JACS1871). An excellent review on protein hydration has been recently published (97PROG259). EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS

Is the 2d NOESY technique the same as the EXSY?

Please feel free to make suggestions for future posts by emailing Glenn Facey . The 2D EX change S pectroscop Y (EXSY) technique is exactly the same as the same as the 2D NOESY technique. The pulse sequences are identical.

How is sequence weighting related to T2 relaxation?

The sequence weighting highlights differences on the T2 relaxation time of tissues. A T2WI relies upon the transverse relaxation (also known as “spin-spin” relaxation) of the net magnetization vector (NMV). T2 weighting tends to require long TE and TR times. One way to think about T2 relaxation is as follows: