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What is diglossia and Polyglossia?

is that diglossia is (linguistics) the coexistence of two closely related native languages or dialects among a certain population, one of which is regarded to be more prestigious than the other; also, that of two unrelated languages while polyglossia is the coexistence of multiple languages in the same area.

What is the relationship between diglossia and bilingualism?

Diglossia is used for a speech community where two languages or dialects are spoken. An individual who speaks two languages, usually with equal ease, is bilingual.

What is diglossia and its types?

In sociolinguistics, diglossia is a situation in which two distinct varieties of a language are spoken within the same speech community. When people are bidialectal, they can use two dialects of the same language, based on their surroundings or different contexts where they use one or the other language variety.

What is Polyglossia example?

Polyglossia refers to the existence of several languages in the same society or geographic area. An example might be the presence of Spanish,…

What is Idiolect in sociolinguistics?

An idiolect is the dialect of an individual person at one time. This term implies an awareness that no two persons speak in exactly the same way and that each person’s dialect is constantly undergoing change—e.g., by the introduction of newly acquired words.

What is vernacular sociolinguistics?

Vernacular is a language spoken rather than written formally by a group of people who have the same profession, live in the same region and country. Vernacular describes everyday language that is used by people.

What are the features of diglossia?

DIGLOSSIA is a relatively stable language situation in which, in addition to the primary dialects of the language (which may include a standard or regional standards), there is a very divergent, highly codified (often grammatically more complex) superposed variety, the vehicle of a large and respected body of written …

Can diglossia exist without bilingualism?

Diglossia without bilingualism There are situations in which diglossia obtains whereas bilingualism is generally absent (quadrant 3). Here, two or more speech communities are united religiously, politically or economically into a single functioning unit notwithstanding the socio-cultural cleavages that separate them.

What is the concept of diglossia?

diglossia, the coexistence of two varieties of the same language throughout a speech community. Often, one form is the literary or prestige dialect, and the other is a common dialect spoken by most of the population.

What is the function of diglossia?

Diglossia is a linguistic phenomenon found in many multilingual speech communities. Diglossia describes a particular type of sociolinguistic situation in which there is a clear differentiation in function between the languages or language varieties used in a bilingual/multilingual community.

What is Polyglossia literature?

Polyglossia (pronunciation: /ˌpɒlɪˈɡlɒsɪə/) refers to the coexistence of multiple languages (or distinct varieties of the same language) in one society or area. The term implies a living interaction between multiple languages within a single cultural system, producing significant effects on that culture.

What kind of magazine is Polyglossia?

Polyglossia is the University of Cambridge Modern Languages Society. It brings together all the linguists of Cambridge University, and also anyone with an interest in foreign languages, history, literature, music, food and culture as a whole.

Which is the best definition of diglossia language?

DEFINITION OF Diglossia Charles A. Ferguson (1959) Diglossia is relatively stable language . Language situation , in which in the addition of primary dialect . Of the language there is a divergent highly codified superposed variety which is learn largely by formal education and is used for most written and formal spoken purpose .

What are the roles of H and L in diglossia?

In their development, the usage roles of high variety (H) and low variety (L) are found not only in one language, but also in multi languages, also called double diglossia. The double diglossia can be in the form of double overlapping diglossia, double nested diglossia, or linear polyglossia. Content may be subject to copyright.

What do you mean by double nested diglossia?

Diglossia is u sage variaties of one la nguage that coexist with their res pective roles. In their language, but also i n multi languages, also called double diglo ssia. The do uble diglossia ca n be in the form of double overlapping diglossia, double nested diglossia, or linear polyglossia.