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What is DataSourcetransactionmanager?

A LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy will not fetch an actual JDBC Connection from the target DataSource until a Statement gets executed, lazily applying the specified transaction settings to the target Connection. This transaction manager supports nested transactions via the JDBC 3.0 Savepoint mechanism.

What is JTA transaction manager?

Java Transaction API, more commonly known as JTA, is an API for managing transactions in Java. It allows us to start, commit and rollback transactions in a resource-agnostic way. The true power of JTA lies in its ability to manage multiple resources (i.e. databases, messaging services) in a single transaction.

What is transaction management in Spring?

Spring supports two types of transaction management: Programmatic transaction management: This means that you have to manage the transaction with the help of programming. Declarative transaction management: This means you separate transaction management from the business code.

What is Transactionmanager in hibernate?

This transaction manager is appropriate for applications that use a single Hibernate SessionFactory for transactional data access, but it also supports direct DataSource access within a transaction (i.e. plain JDBC code working with the same DataSource).

Which PlatformTransactionManager s Can you use with JPA?

nanda is right, you can only use JpaTransactionManager. The Transaction Manager abstraction we are talking about here is Spring’s PlatformTransactionManager interface, and JPATransactionManager is the only implementation of that interface that understands JPA.

What is meant by JTA transaction?

The Java™ Transaction API (JTA) allows applications to perform distributed transactions, that is, transactions that access and update data on two or more networked computer resources. A transaction defines a logical unit of work that either completely succeeds or produces no result at all.

What is JTA and JPA?

Hibernate implements the JPA standard. plain JDBC is a technology for accessing databases. It is what Hibernate actually uses to perform the database operations, “under the hood”. It uses JDBC to send queries to the database. JTA is a transaction API, and it is optional in Hibernate.

Why @transactional is used in Spring boot?

5.5. The @Transactional annotation is the metadata that specifies the semantics of the transactions on a method. We have two ways to rollback a transaction: declarative and programmatic. The default rollback behavior in the declarative approach will rollback on runtime exceptions.

How does SessionFactory work in hibernate?

SessionFactory is an Interface which is present in org. hibernate package and it is used to create Session Object. It is immutable and thread-safe in nature. buildSessionFactory() method gathers the meta-data which is in the cfg Object.

How to wire JNDI to spring DataSource?

There are two ways through which we can JNDI lookup and wire it to the Controller DataSource, my spring bean configuration file contains both of them but one of them is commented. You can switch between these and the response will be the same. Using jee namespace tag to perform the JNDI lookup and configure it as a Spring Bean.

Which is better DataSource with Tomcat or JNDI?

We know that DataSource with JNDI is the preferred way to achieve connection pooling and get benefits of container implementations. Today we will look how we can configure a Spring Web Application to use JNDI connections provided by Tomcat.

What is the use of datasourcetransactionmanager and..?

It reduces boilerplate code significantly. This would be your TransactionManager. TransactionManagers handle all of your transactional activities – running a query, wrapped in a transaction. As you can see, a DataSource is passed to it as a property. DataSource would be your DB conneciton.

How is a DataSource passed to a spring class?

As you can see, a DataSource is passed to it as a property. DataSource would be your DB conneciton. This is a Spring class, that handles your connections to a resource that is acquired by a JNDI name. This line tells your Spring container to scan your classes for annotations like @Transactional.