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What is considered aggressive chemotherapy?

Aggressive care includes chemotherapy after multiple earlier rounds of treatment have stopped working and being admitted to an intensive care unit. Such interventions at the end of life “are widely recognized to be harmful,” Chen said.

Are some chemo treatments stronger than others?

Some drugs are more powerful than others, some have worse side effects, and some work better against particular types of cancer. Your treatment will depend on many factors, including the type of cancer you have, how advanced the disease is, and your overall health.

How bad is aggressive chemo?

Patients assigned to the aggressive treatment also had a 56 percent lower risk of death and were 52 percent less likely to have their disease progress compared to those on the standard treatment, the researchers found.

What is light chemotherapy?

The new method, sometimes referred to as “chemo-lite” or “metronomic chemotherapy”, is being studied at various research centers around the country with promising results. This new treatment takes the chemotherapy focus away from the actual tumor and places that focus on the blood vessels that feed the tumor.

What is the success rate for chemotherapy?

Five years after treatment, the rate of overall survival was 98.1% for those who had chemo and 98.0% for those who did not. Nine years after treatment, the rate of overall survival was 93.8% for those who had chemo and 93.9% for those who did not.

What is mild chemo?

Listen to pronunciation. (loh-dose KEE-moh-THAYR-uh-pee) Treatment in which low doses of anticancer drugs are given on a continuous or frequent, regular schedule (such as daily or weekly), usually over a long time. Low-dose chemotherapy causes less severe side effects than standard chemotherapy.

What is gentle chemotherapy?

Metronomic therapy is chronic administration of cytotoxic drugs orally at relatively low, minimally toxic doses on a frequent schedule of administration at close regular intervals, with no prolonged drug-free intervals (“high time for low dose”).

Can a person take chemo for life?

Some people have cancer that can be controlled with treatment and they can live for a long time. If treatment stops working, the hope may change again. It may be hope for time to prepare family and loved ones who will be left behind, for telling them what they have meant to you and what you hope for their futures.

Does each round of chemo get easier?

The effects of chemo are cumulative. They get worse with each cycle. My doctors warned me: Each infusion will get harder. Each cycle, expect to feel weaker.

What to expect during your chemo treatment?

Types of Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can be administered via pills,capsules or medicated liquid.

  • Before Starting Chemotherapy. If possible,ask your healthcare provider for a tour of your infusion center.
  • During Your First Chemotherapy Infusion. Plan to spend the day at the hospital or treatment center.
  • After Chemotherapy.
  • Is Chemo worse than cancer?

    Shock study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth. Long considered the most effective cancer-fighting treatment, chemotherapy may actually make cancer worse, according to a shocking new study.

    What are the long-term effects of chemotherapy?

    Long-Term Side Effects of Chemotherapy Common long-term side effects of chemotherapy include early menopause and weight gain. Rare side effects include heart problems and leukemia.

    Is chemotherapy really all that effective in treating cancer?

    Chemotherapy can be used to cure cancer , lessen the chance it will return, or stop or slow its growth. Chemotherapy can be used to shrink tumors that are causing pain and other problems. Chemotherapy is used to treat many types of cancer. For some people, chemotherapy may be the only treatment you receive.