What is browserify Shim?
Since browserify-shim is a proper browserify transform you can publish packages with files that need to be shimmed, granted that you specify the shim config inside the package. json . json files as long as browserify-shim can always find a package above each source file with the right configuration.
What is vinyl source stream?
Basically you can say that vinyl-source-stream convert the readable stream you get from browserify into a vinyl stream that is what gulp is expecting to get. A vinyl stream is a Virtual file format, and it is fundamental for Gulp.
What is module Esnext?
When you specify –module esnext , you are telling TypeScript not to transpile any module syntax at all. That’s the point of –module it specifies the output module format, not the source module format.
Why is rollup better for libraries?
Rollup was created for a different reason: to build flat distributables of JavaScript libraries as efficiently as possible, taking advantage of the ingenious design of ES2015 modules.
What do you need to know about Browserify?
What is Browserify? Browserify allows us to use node.js style modules in the browser. We define dependencies and then Browserify bundles it all up into a single neat and tidy JavaScript file. You include your required JavaScript files using require (‘./yourfancyJSfile.js’) statements and can also import publicly available modules from npm.
What kind of modules can you bundle in Browserify?
An awesome look at the possibilities for using Browserify to bundle modules written in AMD, CommonJS/node.js, UMD, ECMAscript 6, and global modules. Standalone Browserify Builds www.forbeslindesay.co.uk/post/46324645400/standalone-browserify-builds
How is Browserify similar to Bower and RequireJS?
Browserify is used primarily with npm. Both of those tools have similar counterparts like Bower and RequireJS. These articles help explain some of the differences. Journey from RequireJS to Browserify
Which is the best Browserify caching bundler for HTML?
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