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What is a HUD action plan?

The Annual Action Plan is a document mandated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that outlines local affordable housing and community development needs and identifies strategies for addressing them.

What is annual action plan?

The Annual Action Plan provides the City’s planned programs and resource allocations for the implementation of objectives outlined in the Five-Year Strategy Plan, which is included in the Consolidated Plan for Community Development.

What is a HUD Consolidated Plan?

What is the Consolidated Plan? The Consolidated Plan is designed to help states and local jurisdictions to assess their affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions.

What is a CDBG action plan?

The Annual Action Plan is the City’s one-year expenditure plan for CDBG funds. HUD announced the City will receive $1,203,797 in CDBG funds for FY 2019-20. The Action Plan details the activities the City will undertake with CDBG funds in support of the broader goals and objectives of the Consolidated Plan.

How do you create an action plan?

How to create an action plan

  1. Brainstorm and identify specific tasks.
  2. List the tasks and identify what’s needed to complete them.
  3. Use SCHEMES to double check your action plan.
  4. Prioritize the tasks.
  5. Set deadlines and milestones.
  6. Complete each task with the end goal in mind.

What are consolidated plans?

The Consolidated Plan is designed to help states and local jurisdictions to assess their affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions.

How do you write a simple action plan?

Here’s how to write an action plan explained in 6 easy steps.

  1. Step 1: Define your end goal.
  2. Step 2: List down the steps to be followed.
  3. Step 3: Prioritize tasks and add deadlines.
  4. Step 4: Set Milestones.
  5. Step 5: Identify the resources needed.
  6. Step 6: Visualize your action plan.
  7. Step 7: Monitor, evaluate and update.

How do you prepare an annual action plan?

What is the HUD caper?

The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) is a required annual report by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The CAPER is comprised of statistical and financial statements, narratives and maps describing activities carried out during the program year.

What is CPD HUD?

The Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) seeks to develop viable communities by promoting integrated approaches that provide decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expand economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons.

What was HUD action plan for Hurricane Harvey?

The Action Plan identifies the proposed activities for long-term recovery and restoration of housing, infrastructure, planning, and economic development in areas affected by the disaster. As the state receives additional funding, reallocates funds, or changes activities, amendments to the Action Plan are submitted for HUD approval.

How is the Consolidated Plan carried out by HUD?

The Consolidated Plan is carried out through Annual Action Plans, which provide a concise summary of the actions, activities, and the specific federal and non-federal resources that will be used each year to address the priority needs and specific goals identified by the Consolidated Plan.

When does a HUD Action Plan become the applicable action plan?

Once an amendment to an action plan has been approved by HUD, the action plan as amended, becomes the applicable state action plan for reference. Previous versions of the state action plan and amendments are required to be posted per HUD.

What should be included in a housing counseling action plan?

An individual housing counseling action plan prepared by a housing counselor that: Identifies the client’s need or problem, and. Outlines what the agency and client need to do in order to meet the client’s. housing goals.