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What is a CTEC Registered tax preparer?

Become a CTEC Registered Tax Preparer (CRTP) California law requires anyone who prepares tax returns for a fee within the State of California — and is not an exempt preparer — to register as a tax preparer with CTEC. Exempt preparers include: Learn more at CTEC website.

Does an enrolled agent need a CTEC?

Only attorneys, CPAs and enrolled agents are exempt from CTEC registration. For more information regarding the new IRS registration requirements, visit

Who is exempt from CTEC?

Generally speaking, CPAs, Attorneys, Enrolled Agents and anyone employed by these individuals are exempt from the Act. (For a full description of all requirements to be exempt see Section 22258).

How do I get CTEC?

To become a CTEC registered tax preparer, you must:

  1. Take a 60-hour qualifying education course from a CTEC approved provider within the past 18 months.
  2. Purchase a $5,000 tax preparer bond from an insurance/surety agent.
  3. Get a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) from the IRS.
  4. Approved Lives Scan.

How do I verify a tax preparer license?

To check the status of… Visit or email the IRS at [email protected].

What is a CTEC certificate?

California law requires anyone who, for a fee or for other consideration, assists with or prepares tax returns for another person or who assumes final responsibility for completed work on a return and is not an exempt preparer to register as a tax preparer with the California Tax Education Council (CTEC).

What does CTEC stand for?


Acronym Definition
CTEC California Tax Education Council
CTEC Certified Technical Education Center
CTEC Certified Technical Education Center (Microsoft)
CTEC Career and Technical Education Center

Who needs a CTEC?

California law requires anyone who prepares tax returns for a fee within the State of California and is not an exempt preparer to register as a tax preparer with the California Tax Education Council (CTEC).

What is a CTEC number?

CTEC is short for the “California Tax Education Council,” which is a non-profit Corporation founded to. promote competent tax preparation within the State of California. “ CTEC” is also used as the common name. for the Identification Number given to preparers registered in California to prepare tax returns.