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What happens when the glossopharyngeal nerve is damaged?

Glossopharyngeal nerve lesions produce difficulty swallowing; impairment of taste over the posterior one-third of the tongue and palate; impaired sensation over the posterior one-third of the tongue, palate, and pharynx; an absent gag reflex; and dysfunction of the parotid gland.

What is the glossopharyngeal nerve responsible for?

Involvement in Taste and Swallowing The glossopharyngeal nerve, which is also called the ninth cranial nerve, has both sensory (sensation) functions and motor (movement) functions in the body, as well as specialized sensory function and parasympathetic function.

What areas are innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve IX )?

Glossopharyngeal nerve
Innervates Motor: stylopharyngeus Sensory: Oropharynx, Eustachian tube, middle ear, posterior third of tongue, carotid sinus, carotid body Special sensory: Taste to posterior third of tongue
Latin nervus glossopharyngeus
MeSH D005930

Which nerve is responsible for the gag reflex?

Stimulation of the soft palate can also elicit the gag reflex; however, the sensory limb, in this case, is the trigeminal nerve (CN V). Here, sensory stimulation of the soft palate travels through the nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve.

Can the glossopharyngeal nerve be repaired?

Repair of Hypoglossal Nerve Injury If an acute injury is suspected, repair should be undertaken as soon as possible. Similar to facial nerve repairs, the ideal management involves establishment of a tension-free anastomosis (Avitia & Osborne, 2008).

How do you test for glossopharyngeal nerve damage?

For the test, a doctor touches the back of the throat with a cotton-tipped applicator. If pain results, the doctor applies a local anesthetic to the back of the throat. If the anesthetic eliminates the pain, glossopharyngeal neuralgia is likely. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is done to check for tumors.

What type of doctor treats glossopharyngeal neuralgia?

If the pain requires further evaluation, a neurologist or a neurosurgeon may be recommended. The diagnosis of neuralgia is made after carefully assessing the patient’s symptoms. If glossopharyngeal neuralgia is suspected, the doctor will attempt to trigger an episode by touching the back of the throat with a swab.

How do you test glossopharyngeal nerve?

The glossopharyngeal nerve provides sensory supply to the palate. It can be tested with the gag reflex by touching the pharynx with a tongue depressor or by touching the arches of the pharynx.

How do you test the Glossopharyngeal cranial nerve?

What is cranial nerve VII?

A nerve that runs from the brainstem, through openings in the skull, to the face and tongue. The seventh cranial nerve sends information between the brain and the muscles used in facial expression (such as smiling and frowning), some muscles in the jaw, and the muscles of a small bone in the middle ear.

Is the glossopharyngeal nerve a sensory or sensory nerve?

Embryologically, the glossopharyngeal nerve is associated with the derivatives of the third pharyngeal arch. Sensory: Innervates the oropharynx, carotid body and sinus, posterior 1/3 of the tongue, middle ear cavity and Eustachian tube. Special sensory : Provides taste sensation to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue.

How can you test for damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve?

Testing for Damage to the Nerve. The glossopharyngeal nerve can be tested by checking a person’s gag reflex and also doing a taste test on the posterior third of the tongue to see if he or she can sense bitter and sour flavors.

Where does the glossopharygeal nerve travel to in the middle ear?

The glossopharyngeal nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland. These fibres originate in the inferior salivatory nucleus of CN IX. These fibres travel with the tympanic nerve to the middle ear.

Can a stroke cause damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve?

Damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve can occur as a result of a stroke, and tumors or small cysts at the base of the skull also can put pressure on the nerve. Symptoms of damage vary depending on which branch of the nerve is affected.