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What does P do in Ruby?

p is a method that shows a more “raw” version of an object. What is p useful for? Debugging. When you’re looking for things like (normally invisible) newline characters, or you want to make sure some value is correct, then you use p .

What’s the difference between P and puts in Ruby?

While the print method allows you to print information in the same line even multiple times, the puts method adds a new line at the end of the object. On the other hand, p is useful when you are trying to understand what your code does, e.g. when you are trying to figure out a certain error.

What does << do in Ruby?

Ruby Bitwise Operators

Operator Description
<< Binary Left Shift Operator. The left operands value is moved left by the number of bits specified by the right operand.
>> Binary Right Shift Operator. The left operands value is moved right by the number of bits specified by the right operand.

How do you print a new line in Ruby?

We can also use “\n” ( newline character ) to print a new line whenever we want as used in most of the programming languages.

What is return in Ruby?

Explicit return Ruby provides a keyword that allows the developer to explicitly stop the execution flow of a method and return a specific value. When this instruction is executed the execution flow is suddenly stopped and the ‘return call’ string is returned. So, the puts ‘after return call’ is never executed.

What is .chomp Ruby?

chomp! is a String class method in Ruby which is used to returns new String with the given record separator removed from the end of str (if present). If $/ is an empty string, it will remove all trailing newlines from the string. It will return nil if no modifications were made.

Does puts print a newline?

Hi, The difference between print and puts is that puts automatically moves the output cursor to the next line (that is, it adds a newline character to start a new line unless the string already ends with a newline), whereas print continues printing text onto the same line as the previous time.

What does ||= mean in Ruby?

||= is called a conditional assignment operator. It basically works as = but with the exception that if a variable has already been assigned it will do nothing. First example: x ||= 10. Second example: x = 20 x ||= 10. In the first example x is now equal to 10.

How do I add a new line to a string in Ruby?

In Ruby, in general “\n” is the new line character.

How can I learn Ruby language?

Udemy. If you want to learn Ruby programming language and are looking for a suitable platform for this purpose, then Udemy is the best place to start. It provides a tutorial about so many different courses. Here, you can learn about Ruby in a much easier and simpler manner as compared to other online tutorials.

Should I use return in Ruby?

Good Ruby style would generally only use an explicit returns for an early return. Ruby is big on code minimalism/implicit magic. That said, if an explicit return would make things clearer, or easier to read, it won’t harm anything.

What’s the difference between P and PP in Ruby?

In this example, the numbers method will display 123 on the screen, but its return value will be nil. Then result will be nil, instead of 123. But if you use p then it will work. Ruby has yet another printing method. Called pp. This is like p, but it prints big hashes & arrays in a nicer way.

How are methods similar to functions in Ruby?

Ruby methods are very similar to functions in any other programming language. Ruby methods are used to bundle one or more repeatable statements into a single unit. Method names should begin with a lowercase letter. If you begin a method name with an uppercase letter, Ruby might think that it is a constant and hence can parse the call incorrectly.

Can a function have a parameter in Ruby?

Once a function is called, codes inside the function are executed. So when is_even (2) was called, then the codes inside the function ‘is_even’ were executed with ‘x=2’. It is not compulsory for a function to have a parameter. We can also define functions without any parameter.

When to use puts or print in Ruby?

There are many ways to print something in Ruby. But how are these different? And when should you use one or the other? That’s what you’re going to learn in this article! When you want to print something on the screen for the user to see, you normally use puts. puts “Hello there!”