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What different cultures do for Christmas?

7 Unique Christmas cultures from around the world!

  • St. Nikolaus Tag (St. Nicholas’ Day), Germany.
  • Church Roller-blading, Venezuela.
  • Giant Lantern Festival, Philippines.
  • KFC Christmas Dinner, Japan.
  • Gävle Goat, Sweden.
  • Day of the Little Candles, Colombia.
  • The Yule Lads, Iceland.

How do they celebrate Christmas in different parts of the world?

Here’s How People Celebrate Christmas All Over the World

  • Japan: KFC for Christmas Dinner.
  • Poland: People Share a Pre-Dinner Wafer.
  • Slovakia: Carp for Dinner.
  • Sweden: St.
  • Greece: Christmas Trees and Boats.
  • Ethiopia: Christmas Processions.
  • Germany: Christmas Markets.
  • Philippines: Nochebuena and Lots of Lights.

What do other cultures celebrate instead of Christmas?

Some notable December holidays in addition to Christmas include:

  • Nicholas Day. It seems only right that the man who works the hardest on Christmas Eve should have a day that celebrates him.
  • Hanukkah/Chanukah.
  • Winter Solstice.
  • Kwanzaa.
  • Boxing Day.
  • New Year’s Eve.

What are 3 traditions of Christmas?


  • 1 Church attendance.
  • 2 Decorations.
  • 3 Nativity play.
  • 4 Music and carols.
  • 5 Traditional cuisine.
  • 6 Cards.
  • 7 Commemorative stamps.
  • 8 Gift giving. 8.1 Gift-bearing figures.

How do the Philippines celebrate Christmas?

Unlike Christmas in most Western countries, the Filipino Christmas is more centered on Jesus than on Santa Claus. In fact, they have Misa de Gallo, a nine day-long series of masses that commence on Christmas eve. A Christmas nativity scene decoration is also common in Filipino households.

What do other religions celebrate other than Christmas?

How other religions celebrate Christmas

  • The Jewish Festival of Lights. Chanukah, or Hanukkah, lasts for eight days, beginning the 25th of the Hebrew month Kislev (November-December).
  • Islam.
  • Hindu.
  • Wicca.
  • Madmen.
  • Festival of the ass.

What religions celebrate during December?

This year, December, a month that encompasses the Christian and Jewish celebrations of Christmas and Hanukkah, includes spiritually significant days for Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans and Zoroastrians.

Is Christmas a culture?

Virtually all Christians (96%) celebrate Christmas, and two-thirds see it as a religious holiday. In addition, fully eight-in-ten non-Christians in America also celebrate Christmas, but most view it as a cultural holiday rather than a religious occasion.

How do religions celebrate Christmas?

Church services often include a carol service . Some Christians start Christmas Day with a midnight service, called Midnight Mass. Christians often celebrate Christmas by giving and receiving presents and cards. This reminds them of the gift of Jesus, beginning his earthly life.

What are the best manners in the world?

Being polite is right, it makes people feel cared about and important. 4. Manners around the World Manners around the world starts with respect for differences. Not all cultures are the same. Generally speaking, you can be yourself as long as you remain friendly and courteous.

Where do people celebrate Christmas in different cultures?

Working effectively across cultures requires an awareness of the importance and impact of this holiday celebrated by more than 2 billion people around the world. Here are just a few examples of traditions and customs that are celebrated during the Christmas period in the UK, Norway, Italy and France.

What’s the proper etiquette for a Christmas party?

Greet everyone at the door and make small talk with everyone. Introduce guests to each other. Have plenty of food and activities for everyone. This is the time to use your best dishes and flatware. Do as much preparation as possible the day before so you can enjoy the party with your guests.

Who is the best etiquette expert for Christmas?

Debby Mayne is an etiquette expert and writer with 25+ years of experience. She covers professional, social, children’s, wedding, and funeral etiquette. Christmas is one of the most important celebrations for Christians around the world, but it can also be one of the most stressful.