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What causes Crepe Myrtle bark scale?

The most likely culprit is a scale insect found in China, Japan, and Korea. Since the initial discovery in 2004 by a landscape company in Richardson, TX, the insect has blemished many crape myrtles in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. It causes ex- tensive honeydew deposits and the growth of black sooty mold.

Do all Crepe Myrtles have smooth bark?

All crape myrtles begin with smooth gray or light brown bark, which begins to peel in early summer and continues to peel during the summer and fall, showing mottled patches of new bark in shades of pale cream to dark brown or orange.

Is Crepe Myrtle a hardwood or softwood?

The Crepe Myrtle is typically thought of as an ornamental shrub or small tree. It grows in warm climates like those in the south of Europe and the United States. The various strains of the Crepe Myrtle produce a variety of beautiful flowers. The tree itself has a very hard wood that can be used in craft applications.

How do I get rid of crape myrtle bark scale?

Treatment. The best window for control is late April or early May as the crapemyrtles begin to really flush, and can be applied through July. Apply a soil drench of an imidacloprid product such as Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench during this period.

How do you get rid of bark scale on crepe myrtle?

Scrub down the trunk of the crape myrtle with a mild solution of dishwashing soap and water using a long-handled brush to remove the scale and sooty mold. This method is effective. Another treatment recommended is to spray the trunks of the trees with dormant oil in late winter.

What is the white powdery stuff on my crepe myrtle?

Powdery Mildew: Powdery mildew is one of the most common problems of crape myrtle, and it is caused by the fungus Erysiphe lagerstroemiae. Patches of white to grayish powdery growth occur on the surfaces of leaves, flowers, and new shoots. Heavily infected flowers may fail to open.

Can crepe myrtle wood be burned?

Crepe myrtle wood, as with all woods, will need to be seasoned before you burn it. Once you have seasoned it, the wood will become lighter and far less dense. Myrtle wood burns a little bit slower than pine, but not too much.

What does bark scale look like?

Bark scales are in a different scale insect family (Eriococcidae) than soft scales (Coccidae), and they look very similar to mealybugs. The CMBS infestations appear as white or gray, waxy crustations on stems, large twigs, and trunks, but rarely on foliage.

How do I get rid of black bark on my crepe myrtle?

Do crepe myrtles get fungus?

Where does the crape myrtle Bark scale come from?

Crape myrtle bark scale is a relatively recent pest that is affecting crepe myrtle trees in a growing area across the southeastern United States. According to Texas AgriLife Extension, this harmful pest is newly introduced from the Far East.

What do you do with the bark on a crepe myrtle?

When the bark is shedding from a crepe myrtle tree, do not treat the tree with anything. The bark is supposed to shed, and after it is done shedding, the wood will look like a paint-by-number painting, making it a definite centerpiece in any landscape. Some crepe myrtles will flower.

What happens to a crapemyrtle plant with Bark scale?

Crapemyrtles suffer aesthetic damage because of the CMBS infestations. These bark scales may not kill the plants, but there may likely be a reduction in plant vigor, number of flowers, and flower cluster size. Infested plants typically leaf out later than healthy plants. Branches and trunks can be covered in the white scale infestation.

Why are crape myrtles bad for the environment?

Crape myrtles are prized for their beauty and relative freedom from pests in the United States. This pest (Fig. 2) is causing concern because it is spreading fast, and crape myrtles are planted in landscapes throughout the South and in many other parts of the United States (Fig. 3).