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What can I use 811 for?

Call Health Link by dialing 811 for quick and easy advice from a registered nurse 24/7. They will ask questions, assess symptoms and determine the best care for you. Remember, in a medical emergency, always call 911 or visit the nearest emergency department.

What is Telehealth Canada?

Telehealth is the delivery of various types of health care when patient and provider are geographically separated — it can involve video conferencing, telephone calls, electronic data transmission, and other ways of communicating over the Internet.

What number should I call for medical advice?

NHS 111 is a free number to call when you have an urgent healthcare need that isn’t a life-threatening situation.

What is 811 used for in Canada?

The 811 service is operated by trained health-service representatives, who can help callers identify symptoms and advise them on when and where to seek medical treatment in or close to the callers’ communities.

What’s the difference between 911 and 811?

911 is the number to call for life-threatening emergencies; however, many Canadians are calling 911 for other reasons that are better handled by 211 Navigators. In some provinces, 811 is the number that residents call for help finding health information and services.

What happens when you call telehealth?

Your telehealth appointment is the same as your regular doctor’s visit. The only difference is that you will see and speak to your doctor via video- conferencing! If you have ever used Skype or FaceTime, this is very similar to how telehealth works. Just speak normally as if you are having an in-person conversation.

How does telehealth work in Canada?

Patients can communicate with medical professionals on a telemedicine platform to discuss their needs via video, chat and audio. Talk on your own time and pick up prescriptions directly at your residence or workplace. Telemedicine provides 24/7 access, especially useful for hours outside of the standard work day.