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What brand of fertilizer is 5/10 10?

Lilly Miller Morcrop Tomato & Vegetable Plant Fertilizer 5-10-10 | Pennington.

What is the best bio fertilizer?

The best organic fertilizers are humic acid, Rhizobium, Neem cake and Organic compost, cow dung etc, are best fertilizers. Each fertilizer has its own role to play for the growth of the crop plants.

What brand is a 10-10-10 fertilizer?

Espoma Garden Food 10-10-10 is an agricultural grade fertilizer. When used with care, it is an excellent general-purpose plant food. A general purpose garden food that provides the three major nutrients in equal amounts. Promotes vigorous growth in all flowering plants and vegetables.

What do the numbers 10 5 10 mean on a fertilizer bag?

Though plants use many different nutrients to fuel their growth, these three are used in the largest amounts. For example, a bag of fertilizer with the fertilizer numbers 10-5-10 on the label, holds 10% N, 5% P, and 10% K. The remaining 75% of the bag’s weight is carrier product.

What is N-P-K fertilizer?

These three numbers form what is called the fertilizer’s N-P-K ratio — the proportion of three plant nutrients in order: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The product’s N-P-K numbers reflect each nutrient’s percentage by weight. Lush grasses flourish with high-nitrogen fertilizers.

What is bio fertilizer with example?


S. No. Nature of Organisms Examples
2. Symbiotic Rhizobium, Frankia, and Anabaena azollae
3. Associate symbiotic Azospirillum
4. Bacteria Bacillus megaterium var phosphaticum, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus circulans, and Pseudomonas striata
5. Fungi Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus awamori

How often can you use 10 10 10 fertilizer?

When should I apply 10 10 10 fertilizer to my vegetable garden? You should apply it every 30 days to your vegetable garden through the growing season, starting about two weeks after your seedlings start growing.

When should I apply 10 10 10 fertilizer to my vegetable garden?

Planting. Green leafy plants such as broccoli, celery, kale, lettuce, spinach and cabbage can benefit from 10-10-10 fertilizer about a month after planting. Notice that these are not plants grown for their fruit or seeds; they are plants that can benefit from a foliage stimulant.

What is potash good for?

Potassium, often called potash, helps plants use water and resist drought and enhances fruits and vegetables. If soluble Potassium is deficient in soil it can stunt growth and cause other symptomatic issues.

What is 10 10 fertilizer?

Fertilizer 10-10-10 includes equal percentages of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), the NPK of a particular mix of a fertilizer. This complete fertilizer is a popular and common form of fertilizer on the market. Knowing when to apply 10-10-10 fertilizer depends on the types and ages of plants you grow.

Is fertilizer organic?

Mineral fertilizers are not technically “organic” as they contain no carbon, but some are used as part of an organic fertility system. They are excellent sources of trace elements that may not be present in other fertilizers. For instance, rock phosphate is a natural source of phosphorus that is mined from clay deposits.

What is natural fertilizer?

Natural fertilizer (a.k.a organic fertilizer) includes biodegradable compounds such as green manure, animal waste and compost. In other words, application of any natural organism or element for the improvement of soil fertility is referred as the natural fertilizer. Natural fertilizers release chemicals slowly to the soil.