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What are the names of microorganisms?

The major groups of microorganisms—namely bacteria, archaea, fungi (yeasts and molds), algae, protozoa, and viruses—are summarized below. Links to the more detailed articles on each of the major groups are provided.

What are the 10 microorganisms?

Top 10 Microorganisms for Educating Students

  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Staphyloccocus epidermidis.
  • Escherichia coli.
  • Proteus mirabilis.
  • Mycobacterium smegmatis.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Candida albicans.
  • Peniciliium rubens.

What are the 20 uses of microorganisms?

Microorganisms and its uses

  • Production of dairy products: Bacteria are the key players here.
  • Bread Baking:
  • Alcoholic Drinks:
  • Organic acids:
  • Enzymes:
  • Steroid production:
  • Help in sewage treatment:
  • Used as insecticides:

What are the 10 harmful microorganisms?

10- E. Coli💊

  • 9- Clostridium Botulinum💊
  • 8- Salmonella💊
  • 7- Vibrio cholera💊
  • 6- Tetanus💊
  • 5- Klebsiella💊
  • 4- Staphylococcus💊
  • 3- Syphilis💊
  • What are microorganisms give 4 examples?

    Examples of microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, archaea, and protists. Viruses and prions, although microscopic, are not considered microorganisms by others because they are generally regarded as non-living.

    What are some names of microorganisms?

    Prokaryotic Microorganisms. Bacteria are found in nearly every habitat on earth,including within and on humans.

  • Eukaryotic Microorganisms. The domain Eukarya contains all eukaryotes,including uni- or multicellular eukaryotes such as protists,fungi,plants,and animals.
  • Microbiology as a Field of Study.
  • What are the four types of microorganisms?

    Microorganisms can be divided into five major groups: bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, and viruses. Bacteria: They are among the smallest and oldest organisms on our planet and are found in four different shapes: rod-shaped (bacilli), spherical (cocci), curved (commas), and spiral (spirilla).

    How many types of microorganisms?

    Microorganisms are divided into seven types: bacteria, archaea , protozoa , algae, fungi, viruses, and multicellular animal parasites ( helminths ).

    Are microorganisms considered animals?

    If it is too tiny to be seen with a naked eye, then it is a microbe. Most animals, like cows, butterflies and earthworms are not microbes. Tiny animals like rotifers and nematodes are considered microbes.