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What are the muscles in a cat dissection lab?

1. Cat Dissection Muscular Labs 2. External oblique Pectroalis minor Pectoralis major Gastrocnemius Sartorius Tibialis anterior Gracilis 3. Latissimus dorsi Levator scapula Lumbodorsal fascia Gluteal muscles Deltoid Biceps femoris Gastrocnemius Trapezius Sartorius Trapezius Semitendinosis External oblique Deltoid Tensor fasciae latae Trapezius

Why do you need to dissect a cat?

Many skeletal muscles of the cat are similar to human mus- cles. This dissection will reinforce your knowledge of hu- man skeletal muscles and allow you to observe the fascia that surrounds,protects,and compartmentalizes these mus- cles. Assemble your dissection equipment and safety glasses,put on your gloves,and obtain your cat.

Do you have to wear gloves during cat dissection?

Wear safety goggles, the fluid used to preserve cats is toxic and can injure the eyes. Always clean your station and store cats in marked containers Wash hands, even if you did wear gloves. *Gloves are expensive! Do not wear unless you plan on touching the cat* 1. Remove your cat from the blue container marked with your hour. 2.

What makes up the appendicular skeleton of a cat?

The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones from the forelimb and hindlimbs. You will find different long straight long bones in the limbs of the cat skeleton. The osteological features of these bones may vary due to the small size of the domestic cat.

What kind of muscles are in the back of the cat?

The cat has three divisions of the trapezius muscle: the clavotrapezius, acromiotrapezius, and spinotrapezius. The lower part of the back extending over the abdomen is the latissimus dorsi. The back side of the leg includes a group of muscles more commonly referred to as the hamstrings.

How are muscles removed from a cat’s tail?

Cutaneous muscles,such as the platysma,are attached to the undersurface of the skin and will be removed as you peel away the skin. 6.Continue peeling the skin until it is only attached at the face and the tail. Cut around the base of the tail, leaving the skin on the tail.