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What are the major applications of biotechnology?

Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas, including health care (medical), crop production and agriculture, non-food (industrial) uses of crops and other products (e.g. biodegradable plastics, vegetable oil, biofuels), and environmental uses.

What are the disadvantages of biotechnology?

Cons of Biotechnology

  • Biotechnology can threaten the survival of certain species.
  • Biotechnology has many unknowns.
  • Increase in the spread of certain crop diseases.
  • Affects soil fertility.
  • Risk of cross-pollination.
  • Biotechnology turns human life into a commodity.
  • Biotechnology can be applied for destruction.

What is conventional biotechnology?

Conventional biotechnology is biotechnology that uses microorganisms to change the shape or nutritional content of certain products, such as enzyme content. Generally, conventional biotechnology is used to produce food. characteristics of Conventional biotechnology : The utilization process uses living things directly.

What are the diagnostic applications of biotechnology?

Biotechnologies may be used to study the genetic material of viruses and bacteria to determine whether a disease is caused by particular disease-producing agents. Its techniques are also used to understand how genetic factors contribute to human disease.

What are the advantage and disadvantage in the application of biotechnology?

Top 10 Biotechnology Pros & Cons – Summary List

Biotechnology Pros Biotechnology Cons
More nutrients and vitamins Biodiversity loss
Higher crop yields Epidemics
Efficient use of our natural resources Problems with cross pollination
Longer shelf-life Health problems

What are common examples of biotechnology applications that you see in your everyday life that you encounter?

Other biotech products eliminate pets’ internal parasites; antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections and sedatives are used to calm animals during the administration of anesthesia.

  • Improving Everyday Life.
  • Safe and Healthier Foods.
  • Cleaner Manufacturing and Environmental Challenges.
  • Food Production.

What is the difference between conventional and modern biotechnology?

Traditional biotech involves use of natural organisms to create or modify food or other useful products for human use, while modern biotech involves manipulation of genes and living tissues in a controlled environment to generate new tissue.

What are the four applications of biotechnology to health?

Summary. In medicine, modern biotechnology provides significant applications in such areas as pharmacogenomics, genetic testing (prenatal diagnosis), and gene therapy. Pharmacogenomics, the combination of pharmacology and genomics, is the study of the relationship between pharmaceuticals and genetics.

What is biotechnology write any 2 applications?

Biotechnology is applied to various fields and many industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, medicine, agriculture, etc.. It has its scope in both research and engineering. Genetic engineering has helped in the production of therapeutic proteins as well as biological organisms.

How is ferronickel used in the production of electronic products?

It enables the production of products with special electronic, magnetic and catalytic properties. Ferronickel remains stable under normal storage conditions; however when exposed to carbon oxides in reducing atmospheres, there is a risk of forming the toxic gas nickel carbonyl.

Why are cobalt and nickel reduced in ferronickel?

Nickel and cobalt are firstly reduced because iron has greater affinity to oxygen. The product is charged to converter for refining after discarding the slag phase containing unreduced iron oxide, magnesium oxide and silica. The end-product is ferronickel alloy which contains 25% of nickel.

What kind of iron is in ferronickel feed?

Ferronickel compositions vary from 20% Ni, 80% Fe (high iron reduction) to 40% Ni, 60% Fe (low iron reduction). They are adjusted by changing the amount of carbon in the calcine feed, as described above.

How is calcine used to make ferronickel?

Ferronickel smelting makes the calcine into hot, molten ferronickel—ready for refining and use. The calcine is fed continuously into an electric furnace, see Figure 2.2.2, where it is reduced and melted.