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What are the 4 stages of the Radicalisation process?

The New York Police Department (NYPD) report which systematically examined 11 in-depth case studies of Al Qa’ida-influenced radicalisation and terrorism conducted in the West identified four phases: pre-radicalisation, self- identification, indoctrination, and jihadisation (NYPD 2007: 4).

What is the process of radicalization?

Radicalization is a process by which people develop extremist ideologies and beliefs (Borum, 2011). Extremist political ideologies oppose the fundamental values of society and the principles of democracy and universal human rights by advocating racial, political, social, economic, and religious supremacy.

What is a radicalized social system?

Radicalization (or radicalisation) is the process by which an individual or a group comes to adopt increasingly radical views in opposition to a political, social, or religious status quo.

What are the causes of radicalization?

The many causes of radicalisation include economic, social, political, psychological, historical and ideological conditions that provide both the context and the driving forces that lead individuals and groups to become radicalized.

What is the deradicalization program?

Deradicalization refers to a process of encouraging a person with extreme political, social or religious views to adopt more moderate positions on the issues.

What is Deradicalize?

verb (used with object), de·rad·i·cal·ized, de·rad·i·cal·iz·ing. to free from radical ideas, goals, or elements: The more conservative politicians were trying to deradicalize the liberation movement.

How does the 3n model of radicalization work?

Research by Shmotkin and Litwin ( 32) suggests that social alienation is a devastating feeling that is strongly associated with loss of personal worth and purpose. The 3N model of radicalization proposes that when significance is lost, individuals become motivated to restore it ( 18 ).

How is the process of radicalization related to violence?

Radicalization is commonly defined as “the social and psychological process of incrementally experienced commitment to extremist political or religious ideology” [ ( 15 ), p. 152]. The 3N model of radicalization ( 12) identifies need, narrative, and network, as the three categories of factors involved in producing radicalization toward violence.

What is the two pyramid model of radicalization?

Consis- tent with research on attitude and behavior, the two- pyramids model of radicalizations represents radicalization of opinion separately from radicalization of action (Leu- precht, Hataley, Moskalenko, & McCauley, 2010; McCau- ley, 2013; McCauley & Moskalenko, 2014).

Is the field of domestic radicalization in its infancy?

Although the field of domestic radicalization and terrorism research as a whole is considered to be in its infancy (compared to other fields in criminology, such as gangs or violent crime), significant achievements have been made.