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What are halogens and alkali metals?

The alkali metals, halogens and noble gases are three important groups in the periodic table. The alkali metals are soft, reactive metals. They react vigorously with water and become more reactive as you go down the group. The halogens are reactive non-metals.

What group is alkaline earth metals in the periodic table?

Group 2A (or IIA) of the periodic table are the alkaline earth metals: beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra). They are harder and less reactive than the alkali metals of Group 1A.

Why are Group 7 called halogens?

Group 7 elements form salts when they react with metals. The term ‘halogen’ means ‘salt former’, which is why Group 7 elements are called halogens. In general the halogens comprise the most reactive group of non-metals. The halogens are so reactive that they cannot exist free in nature.

Where are the alkali metals and halogens located on periodic table?

Groups are numbered 1–18 from left to right. The elements in group 1 are known as the alkali metals; those in group 2 are the alkaline earth metals; those in 15 are the pnictogens; those in 16 are the chalcogens; those in 17 are the halogens; and those in 18 are the noble gases.

In which group of the periodic table are the halogens found?

Group 7A (or VIIA) of the periodic table are the halogens: fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At).

What is the difference between alkali and alkaline earth metals?

The key difference between alkali metals and alkaline earth metals is that all alkali metals have an electron in their outermost shell whereas all the alkaline earth metals have two outer electrons. The elements in these two groups are the most reactive metals in the periodic table.

What group number is halogens?

Why are halogens called halogens?

They were given the name halogen, from the Greek roots hal- (“salt”) and -gen (“to produce”), because they all produce sodium salts of similar properties, of which sodium chloride—table salt, or halite—is best known. In combined form, fluorine is the most abundant of the halogens in Earth’s crust.

What are all the alkali earth metals?

Alkaline earth metals are metals that are found in Group II of the periodic table. Six elements such as beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium are placed in this group. These metals show resemblance to alkali metals (Group I in the periodic table), which is why they are placed besides them in the periodic table.

What are facts about alkaline earth metals?

They are silvery,shiny,and relatively soft metals.

  • They are fairly reactive under standard conditions.
  • They have two outer valence electrons which they readily lose.
  • They all occur in nature,but are only found in compounds and minerals,not in their elemental forms.
  • They react with halogens to form compounds called halides.
  • What are the uses of alkali earth metals?

    the alkaline earth metals include: beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. beryllium is used to make some types of alloys (mixtures of two or more metals). Magnesium is also used in alloys for construction and in machinery like airplane parts.

    What is alkaline earth?

    alkaline earth. n. 1. (Elements & Compounds) Also called: alkaline earth metal or alkaline earth element any of the divalent electropositive metals beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium, belonging to group 2A of the periodic table.