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What are good questions to ask a band?

Top Ten Questions To Ask A Musician In An Interview

  • If you didn’t become a musician, what would you be doing right now?
  • What is the weirdest or funniest question you’ve ever been asked in an interview?
  • What do you feel is the best song you’ve ever released and why?
  • Which musician would you like to collaborate with next?

How do I add a bio to my band?

The best bios highlight musical accomplishments and musical influences and then add some color with a personal story or two. Think of what you want to know about the musicians you like or what you expect to learn when you read about a band in a magazine, and then include that same information in your own bio.

What is a good question to ask a musician?

General musician interview questions

  • What made you want to become a musician?
  • Which instruments did you play in high school?
  • What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years?
  • Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?

What makes a great band?

Great bands put on great shows because they are deliberate in their stage actions. Knowing how to work a crowd and put on a great show is just as critical as playing great songs. Get a video camera and designate someone (a sibling, significant other, manager etc) to record all of your live shows.

What makes a good artist bio?

Your artist biography should be a summary of significant facts about your art career written in third person. This can include where you were born, where you work, and when you first became interested in art. Next, discuss any art training or schooling you had and degrees earned. If none, state you’re self-taught.

What is a band leader called?

A bandleader is the leader of a music group such as a rock or pop band or jazz quartet.

Do you mention your kind of Music in your bio?

Notice, too, that most music career advice says to mention your kind of music in your bio. Neither of these examples does that. (Interesting…) Moving on. Remember: ‘Get discovered’ musicians are noisy. They’re training music fans and industry professionals to tune you out.

What’s the purpose of a musician’s bio?

The goal of this bio is to make people remember you, it’s a good idea to define how you’re different and tell your story. Positioning is a music marketing strategy used to “frame” the way people think about your music as it relates to other artists [ source ].

How many characters should a musician bio have?

There are two versions of a good musician bio: What’s the difference? Your bio is a summary for people and fans. A good length is under 190 characters. (That’s characters, not words.) Ninja Tip: Use to see your bio word and/or character counts.

Do you need to write a short bio for a musician?

A person goes to a digital social network to catch up, watch cat videos, and bitch about their baby’s poopy diaper. They’re not there to read your bio. That’s fine, and it’s also why you want your bio to be short. The fewer words you include, the stronger your message will be and the less you’ll sound like just another one of those other musicians…