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Should you use resume paper?

Though you don’t absolutely need to use resume paper, it offers some advantages: Better printing quality. The extra thickness of resume paper means that you can expect fewer ink bleeds and smudges and an overall better printing quality compared to standard printing paper. More professional feel.

How important is it to have your resume on one page?

The one-page resume is ideal for entry-level workers, new college graduates, and those who have a few years of work experience, Yang says. This way, your resume will make a good first impression on the recruiter, as it typically serves as your first point of contact when you apply to a company.

Do resumes really need to be one page?

A resume should be one page most of the time. One-page resumes are recommended for candidates with just a few years of work experience and those who are only starting out on the job market. Your resume can be longer than one page only when you have 10+ years of experience or lots of relevant professional achievements.