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Pedology (from the Greek pais -. Child + logos – word, science) – a complex science about children and their development, training and education. Pedology arose at the turn of XIX-XX centuries. Both within psychology and pedagogy. It was due to the penetration of the ideas of evolution and development of the applied branches of…

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Social norms – generally accepted rules, patterns, needs and expectations of appropriate behavior or actions. The appearance and function of social norms due to the objective need in the ordering of social relations. Repetitive, sustained interactions require regulation and the establishment of order in terms of various forms of human coexistence. Social norms – an…

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Neofreydizma – a term that combines the various schools of Freudianism, arising since the 1940s. (Primarily in the US). The common feature of these schools was the departure from Freud and the hegemony of the individual in his theory in the direction of recognition of the priority of social relations. Hence the desire to enrich…

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Youth’s concept – some rules, justifying therapy of young adults from the course approach’s viewpoint. The fundamental concepts of Marxism, talking like a theoretical option to the positivist sociology in the preliminary phase of its development, making advantageous problems for use of childhood problems, as on the basis of the acceptance of the cultural revolution…

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Logotherapy theory Frankl – a set of theoretical propositions, founded the famous Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl (1905-1997), is a complex system of philosophical, psychological and medical views on human nature, mechanisms of personality development in health and disease, as well as on the way and ways to correct anomalies in the development of personality. Psychologist…

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Identity crisis critical state of the individual associated with the realization of its non-compliance they desired identity. Review of the problem of identity crisis in the sociology of youth is largely based on the work of E. Erikson. The identification process begins with infancy, but only in the period of youth, identity development reaches a point at which the possible onset of an identity crisis…

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Centaur problems 1) a special class of phenomena of social life, which is a characteristic feature is the combination of incongruous; 2) the reflection of such phenomena in sociological theory in the form of paradoxical statements. Concept Centaur-imposed problems in sociology J. Toshchenko, showed the importance of this scientific metaphor for the natural, social and human sciences (Toshchenko, 2001, 2005, 2009) In the future, this concept has been deployed…

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Diverse assignments of various kinds may turn out to be a frustrating experience for dyslexic kids and their moms and dads on a daily basis. Below are some guidelines that can be useful when writing homework task. Setting up a regime Organize a daily homework regime. It has to be flexible in order to give…

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Theories that make up the fourth paradigm is fundamentally different from the first three paradigms. This difference lies in the fact that the first three are designed and implemented in a society built on the recognition of certain values and social norms as common to all human beings. In practice, in any society, there is no complete consensus on values and norms, but in a stable society law and the dominant social…

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Education (sociology) – 1) a social institution and a set of social practices aimed at meeting the needs of society in the transmission from generation to generation the values and norms of social life, cultural patterns, signs and symbols in order to ensure social control, maintaining social solidarity and play public relations; 2) socio-cultural process…

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