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Is typing Club really free?

TypingClub School Edition is available in both a free and pro version. When you sign up, you can choose a free 60 day trial of TypingClub’s Pro Edition, or you can get started with the free edition.

How do you join a class in typing club?

Student view of joining an account

  1. Go to your school’s unique edclub URL (i.e.
  2. Click Enter a Class Code.
  3. Enter the class code and click Sign Up.
  4. Students can either sign up with one of the single sign-on options enabled in your account settings or by entering their details into the form.

How do you skip typing club?

Jump-ahead behavior

  1. Go to Classes and select your class.
  2. Click Settings on top of the screen.
  3. Scroll down until you see Allow students to jump ahead. This is the last of the basic settings.
  4. To save your changes, click Update Settings at the bottom of the screen.

Is typing club a game?

It’s a game. An engaging and interactive experience while you are learning how to type.

How do I add kids to typing club?

Add individual students

  1. Go to Students.
  2. Click Add Student at the top of the screen.
  3. Select Add One Student from the drop-down menu.
  4. Fill out the form with the new student’s details.
  5. Click Add Student at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Recommended: Enroll your newly added students in a class on the next screen.

What is a class code for typing club?

The school code is the first part of your school’s unique login URL. For example, if your school login URL is, then your school code is schoolname.

How do I change my keyboard layout on typing club?

In TypingClub, students are able to choose their preferred keyboard layout….Update keyboard settings

  1. Go to Classes and open your class.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Lock Keyboard Language and Layout.
  4. Hit Update Settings to save.