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Is the L pronounced in salmon?

Apparently, a couple of centuries ago, the word salmon was spelled samoun in the English language. Salmon was one of those words. In Latin, the word for fish is salmo, and the L is pronounced. Even though the English word spelling changed from samoun to salmon, the pronunciation stayed the same, making the L silent.

Which is the silent letter in the word written?

Silent letters in English

Silent B Silent C Silent G
thumb science light
tomb scene reign
womb scissors resign, sign
Silent K Silent L Silent U

How do you say salmon correctly?

In English, the correct pronunciation of salmon is sam-un. The “l” in salmon is silent. However, in certain dialects and varieties of English salmon is occasionally pronounced with an “l”.

Why is salmon called sake?

Why is salmon called sake? One of several explanations for the origin of the word 鮭 is that the colour of the salmon’s flesh is that of a “drunk red”, and that subsequently the word “sake” derived from either “sakake” (酒気, tipsiness) or “ake” (朱 scarlet, red).

What do you need to know about salmon software?

This tutorial will walk you through installing salmon, building an index on a transcriptome, and then quantifying some RNA-seq samples for downstream processing. Salmon is a free (both as in “free beer” and “free speech”) software tool for estimating transcript-level abundance from RNA-seq read data.

What kind of transcriptome does a salmon need?

In order to quantify transcript-level abundances, Salmon requires a target transcriptome. This transcriptome is given to Salmon in the form of a (possibly compressed) multi-FASTA file, with each entry providing the sequence of a transcript.

How can I use salmon for downstream analysis?

Once you have your quantification results you can use them for downstream analysis with differential expression tools like swish , DESeq2 , edgeR , limma, or sleuth . Using the tximport package, you can import salmon’s transcript-level quantifications and optionally aggregate them to the gene level for gene-level differential expression analysis.

Where do I find the results of salmon?

After the salmon commands finish running, you should have a directory named quants, which will have a sub-directory for each sample. These sub-directories contain the quantification results of salmon, as well as a lot of other information salmon records about the sample and the run. The main output file (called quant.sf) is rather self-explanatory.