
If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book

Is the Greek Orthodox Bible different?

The Bible of the Orthodox Church is the same as that of most Western Churches, except that its Old Testament is based not on the Hebrew, but on the ancient Jewish translation into Greek called the Septuagint.

Is the Orthodox Study Bible accurate?

Many learned people believe that the Septuagint contains more reliable text of the Old Testament than the Masoretic text made by Jewish scribes long after Christianity appeared on the world scene. So, the Orthodox Study Bible text is the Holy Scriptures almost similar to those used by the first Church.

What version of the Bible do Greek Orthodox use?

The Orthodox Study Bible uses the New King James Version of the Bible as the basis for a fresh translation of the Septuagint text. The Septuagint is the Greek version of the Bible used by Christ, the Apostles, and the early church.

Do Greek Orthodox believe in Virgin Mary?

Standing center in Orthodox tradition concerning the Virgin Mary is a singular concept. She is the Theotokos, the woman who bore the life-giving God into human life. Within the Divine Liturgy, Mary is always granted esteem because she is the Theotokos.

Is Greek Orthodox Bible the same as Catholic?

Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox believers both believe in the same God. 2. Roman Catholics deem the Pope as infallible, while Greek Orthodox believers don’t. Roman Catholics believe that Mary is free from original sin, while Greek Orthodox believers don’t.

How many books are in the Orthodox Bible?

Except for the books of Church Order, the canon agrees mostly with that received by other Churches. As we see, in this official rendering, the number of books is 35, making a total of 81 with the 46 books of the Old Testament.

Do Orthodox believe Mary was sinless?

The Eastern Orthodox Churches teach that while Mary “inherited the same fallen nature, prone to sin” as with other humans, “she did not consent to sin through her free will.” Due to being conceived in ancestral sin, Mary still needed “to be delivered by our Savior, her Son” according to Eastern Orthodox teaching.

How old was Mary when Jesus was Orthodox?

At one time, Joseph was assumed to be elderly when he married Mary. However, now we believe that Mary and Joseph were both in their teens when Jesus was born, around sixteen and eighteen respectively. This was the norm for Jewish newlyweds at that time.

Do Greek Orthodox believe in salvation?

Greek Orthodox believe faith is integral to salvation. Faith means more than simply agreeing with particular doctrines, although professing these beliefs is the beginning step of the Orthodox life. Rather, faith is expressed through the actions of the Orthodox believer.

What do Orthodox believe about Jesus?

Greek Orthodox beliefs about salvation center around Jesus Christ. They believe Jesus is the son of God, as well as God, and they accept the doctrine of the Trinity as it was expressed in the early church councils.

Does the Orthodox Church believe in God?

God is the source of faith in the Orthodox Church. Orthodoxy believes that God has revealed Himself to us, most especially in the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom we know as the Son of God. This Revelation of God, His love, and His purpose, is constantly made manifest and contemporary in the life of the Church by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Do the Orthodox believe in the Pope?

Orthodoxy does not believe in the infallibility of the Pope of Rome , nor of any other individual. Orthodoxy upholds the reality that the Church, gathered together in Council under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is guided in making correct decisions and in enunciating truth.

Is Bible reading Orthodox?

Yes, yes. Bible reading, Bible hearing, Bible contemplating, Bible chewing, reading those words, being acquainted with them deeply-that’s certainly the Orthodox tradition.