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Is sibutramine an antidepressant?

Sibutramine was initially developed as an antidepressant, characterized by a rapid onset of neurotransmitter changes which were demonstrated in animal brain tissue and human plasma [3–5]. The pharmacological profile has been thoroughly reviewed by Heal [1].

Can sibutramine cause depression?

Case reports of neuropsychiatric disorders linked to the use of sibutramine include episodes of psychosis [4–6], affective psychosis [7-9], panic attacks [10], depression with suicidal tendencies [1], delirious state [11], amnesia [12], and hypomanic or manic episodes [13-15].

Is sibutramine an SSRI?

As discussed previously, sibutramine, like the SSRIs, blocks the reuptake of serotonin and may also cause the serotonin syndrome.

Who should not take sibutramine?

Do not use sibutramine if you have taken an MAO inhibitor such as furazolidone (Furoxone), isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), rasagiline (Azilect), selegiline (Eldepryl, Emsam), or tranylcypromine (Parnate) in the last 14 days.

How effective is sibutramine?

At 1 year, adults receiving sibutramine, 10 to 15 mg/d, lost an average of 4.5 kg (9.8 pounds) more than adults receiving placebo. Adults taking sibutramine for 1 year are 19% to 34% more likely to achieve 5% weight loss and 12% to 31% more likely to achieve 10% weight loss than those taking placebo.

Does sibutramine give you energy?

The antiobesity activity of sibutramine results from its dual mode of action: it reduces energy intake by increasing satiety (6), and it increases energy expenditure by stimulating thermogenesis (7, 8).

Is sibutramine safe for weight loss?

Sibutramine is safe and effective for weight loss in obese patients whose hypertension is well controlled with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.

How often should I take 15 mg of sibutramina?

The 15 mg dose should be reserved for patients who do not tolerate the 10 mg dose. Blood pressure and heart rate changes should be taken into account when making decisions regarding dose titration. Doses above 15 mg daily are not recommended. In most of the clinical trials, Sibutramina was given in the morning.

Is it good to take sibutramine with Meridia?

Sibutramine does not suppress appetite, it only provides a feeling of satiety and increases energy expenditure. In addition to taking Meridia product it is very good to maintain a proper diet and start a regular exercise. It all helps in the process of losing weight.

What kind of drug is sibutramine used for?

In the US, Sibutramine is a member of the drug class anorexiants and is used to treat Obesity.

Are there any side effects to taking sibutramine?

It is known that some side effects related to the consumption of sibutramine for weight loss do not require further medical interventions and can be controlled with other medications, and it is even possible that as the body gets used to the new medication, the symptoms will decrease and may even eventually disappear. Where to order Yeduc online?