
If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book

Is OverDrive available in UK libraries?

OverDrive has been serving UK libraries since 2005 and currently provides ebook and audiobook access to more than 1,000 libraries up and down the country.

Is OverDrive the same for all libraries?

OverDrive is a free service offered by your library or school that lets you borrow digital content (like ebooks and audiobooks) anytime, anywhere. Every OverDrive collection is slightly different because each library or school picks the digital content they want for their users.

Do libraries pay for OverDrive?

Public libraries currently treat ebooks just like they do physical books. They purchase the number of copies of the ebooks they want from the OverDrive platform for a fixed price per copy. Libraries also have to pay an annual platform fee to OverDrive to be able to use their system.

Which library has most ebooks?

The top 10 ebook and digital audiobook-circulating library systems for 2019:

  • Toronto Public Library.
  • Los Angeles Public Library.
  • King County Library System, Washington.
  • New York Public Library.
  • National Library Board Singapore.
  • Seattle Public Library.
  • Multnomah County Library, Oregon.
  • Hennepin County Library, Minnesota.

Can you borrow books from OverDrive without a library card?

Even if you create an OverDrive account, you’ll still need a library card to sign into your library and borrow digital titles.

How much does it cost for a library to buy an eBook?

The result: Libraries typically pay between $20 and $65 per copy—an industry average of $40, according to one recent survey—compared with the $15 an individual might pay to buy the same ebook online. Instead of owning an ebook copy forever, librarians must decide at the end of the licensing term whether to renew.

Can I have multiple libraries on OverDrive?

You can borrow titles from any library as long as you have a library card for it. In certain cases, your library may have a partnership with another library or consortium that lets you borrow titles from the partner’s collection using your normal library card.