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Is it bad to use a nipple shield while breastfeeding?

A nipple shield is usually meant to be used for a short time. After that, your baby will probably be able to breastfeed without a nipple shield. But as long as your baby is gaining weight using the nipple shield, it’s OK to keep using it. Some mothers want to wean off a nipple shield and other don’t.

What size nipple shield do I need for breastfeeding?

Understanding Medela Breast Shield Sizes If your nipple measures 16 mm in diameter, your recommended breast shield size is 21 mm. This is because the 21 mm shield fits nipples up to 17 mm in diameter. If your nipple diameter measures 24 mm, your recommended size would be 30 mm.

How do I know my nipple shield size?

Using a ruler or measuring tape measure the diameter of your nipple at base (across middle) in millimeters (mm). Do not include areola. Based on your measurement, determine your Medela breast shield size. Example: If your nipple size measures 16 mm in diameter, the recom- mended Medela breast shield size is 21 mm.

Why is it bad to use nipple shield?

If it’s not worn correctly, a nipple shield could negatively affect breastfeeding. The improper use of a nipple shield could lead to a low breast milk supply, weight loss in your baby, and breast issues. A nipple shield that does not fit properly may block the flow of milk from your breasts.

Do nipple shields reduce pain?

When used properly, a nipple shield can help prevent nipple pain and trauma. In some cases using the shield can also help with milk removal because it allows your baby to maintain a deep latch on your breast. The nipple shield can help in cases of nipple trauma (cuts, fissures, cracks, etc.)

How can I get my baby to use a nipple shield?

The nipple shield should be tight against your breast with your nipple extending into the tip. If necessary, you can express milk into the tip or drip expressed milk onto the outside to encourage your baby to latch on. Turning a nipple shield almost inside out before applying helps draw your nipple in.

When should you use a nipple shield?

Nipple shields are intended for moms who are experiencing serious latch problems and should be used temporarily under the guidance of a Lactation Professional (find one in your area here).

Why is using a nipple shield bad?

A too tightly fitted nipple shield can cause nipple pain and may restrict your milk flow, potentially causing clogged ducts or mastitis. If the shield is too big, they may only be able to latch onto the end of the nipple, which will not allow them to properly extract milk from the breast.