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Is air pressure highest in the troposphere?

Even though you don’t feel the weight of the layers pressing upon you, molecules and atoms in those layers exert a force that scientists call pressure. Air pressure in the lowest layer, or troposphere, is much greater than the air pressure in the thermosphere, which sits on the edge of space.

What is the pressure and density of the troposphere?

The air pressure is roughly 1000 mb at sea level, 500 mb at 5.5 km above sea level, 250 mb at 11 km above sea level, 125 mb at 16.5 km above sea level, and so forth. The figure above also shows that on average the top of the troposphere is located at a pressure of about 250 mb.

Does the troposphere have low air pressure?

Atmospheric pressure in the troposphere drops by about 1 inch of mercury for every thousand feet of altitude above sea level. Gravity of the earth holds our atmosphere close to the surface, so the density (and pressure) of air gets gradually lower as you go to higher altitude.

What is the pressure like in the stratosphere?

The stratopause caps the top of the stratosphere, separating it from the mesosphere near 45–50 km (28–31 miles) in altitude and a pressure of 1 millibar (approximately equal to 0.75 mm of mercury at 0 °C, or 0.03 inch of mercury at 32 °F).

Why troposphere has the highest pressure?

The lowest layer, the troposphere, starts at sea level and reaches a height of 10 km (7 miles). 90% of all the molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere are found here. The greatest amount of air pressure is in this layer because most of the air molecules are in this area.

What is the temperature range in the troposphere?

Temperatures at the tropopause range from as low as −80 °C (−112 °F) in the tropics to −50 °C (−58 °F) in polar regions.

What is the troposphere density?

approximately 1.225 kg/m3
It also changes with variation in atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity. At 101.325 kPa (abs) and 15 °C, air has a density of approximately 1.225 kg/m3 (or 0.00237 slug/ft3), about 1/1000 that of water according to ISA (International Standard Atmosphere).

Why does the troposphere have high air pressure?

Why troposphere has the highest air pressure?

The troposphere contains approximately 80% of the mass of the atmosphere of the Earth. The troposphere is denser than all its overlying atmospheric layers because a larger atmospheric weight sits on top of the troposphere and causes it to be most severely compressed.

What is the temperature range of the troposphere?

What is the average height of troposphere in KM?

The troposphere extends upward to about 10 km (6.2 miles or about 33,000 feet) above sea level. The height of the top of the troposphere varies with latitude (it is lowest over the poles and highest at the equator) and by season (it is lower in winter and higher in summer).

What is the hottest temperature in the troposphere?

Because of this absorption, the temperature increases with height. From as low as -184 °F (-120 °C ) at the bottom of this layer, temperatures can reach as high as 3,600°F (2,000°C) near the top.

What heats up the troposphere?

Heating the Troposphere: Radiation, conduction, and convection work together to heat the troposphere. During the day, the sun’s radiation heats Earth’s surface. The land becomes warmer than the air. Air near Earth’s surface is warmed by both radiation and conduction.

How cold is the troposphere?

The dense troposphere, which contains the planet’s clouds, is frigid at minus 243 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 153 degrees Celsius) to minus 370 F (minus 218 C), making it the coldest atmosphere in the solar system.

How thick is the troposphere?

The troposphere is between 5 and 9 miles (8 and 14 kilometers) thick depending on where you are on Earth. It’s thinnest at the North and South Pole. This layer has the air we breathe and the clouds in the sky.

At middle latitudes, tropospheric temperatures decrease from an average of 15°C (59° F) at sea level to about −55°C (−67° F) at the tropopause. At the poles, the tropospheric temperature only decreases from an average of 0°C (32° F) at sea level to about −45°C (−49° F) at the tropopause.