
If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book

How long is the 1984 audiobook?

11 hours and 22 minutes
Product details

Listening Length 11 hours and 22 minutes Release Date December 31, 2006
Publisher Blackstone Audio, Inc.
Program Type Audiobook
Version Unabridged

What is the size of an audiobook?

On average, audiobook files are 28 MB per hour, and most audiobooks run for approximately 10 hours, or 280 MB. The longer your audiobook is, the larger the file will be. We recommend downloading your audiobook files over Wi-Fi to avoid incurring charges on your mobile data plan.

How many pages is 1984 George Orwell?

Nineteen Eighty-Four/Page count

What is the average audiobook length?

about 11 hours
Know the averages The average audiobook is 100,000 words, or about 11 hours long (55 words a minute, 9300 per finished hour). It takes four to six hours to produce one hour of completed audio, or 44-66 hours per book.

How many hours does 1984 take to read?

An average novel, say the length of 1984 takes me maybe 12-15 hours; when I read, the words flow in my head at about normal speaking-out-loud pace.

How many audiobooks can 8GB hold?

An 8GB Kindle can hold up to 35 audiobooks depending on the length and quality of the audio file.

How long is the book in 1984?

In 2003, the novel was listed at No. 8 on The Big Read survey by the BBC….Nineteen Eighty-Four.

First edition cover
Author George Orwell
Publication date 8 June 1949
Media type Print (hardback and paperback)
Pages 328

Are Audible books full length?

The difference is the length of the book. An abridged audiobook is a shortened version of the book. An unabridged audiobook contains all the original content of the book – the whole kit and caboodle!

Who is the narrator of 1984 by George Orwell?

This audiobook is expertly narrated by Marcus Freeman. This CliffsNotes study guide on George Orwell’s 1984 supplements the original literary work, giving you background information about the author, an introduction to the work, a graphical character map, critical commentaries]

Where does the story 1984 take place in?

It’s 1984 in London, a town within the new überstate of archipelago, that contains what was once European nation, Western Europe and North America. Our hero, Winston Smith works within the Ministry of Truth sterilisation documents that contradict current government statements and opinions.

How much does it cost to listen to an audible book?

Try our newest plan – unlimited listening to select audiobooks, Audible Originals, and podcasts. You will get an email reminder before your trial ends. $7.95 a month after 30 day trial.