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How long does palate expander pain last?

Does a palatal expander hurt? No, it doesn’t hurt. After the expander is turned you may feel pressure in the area of the teeth, and tingling around the bridge of the nose or under your eyes. The sensation generally lasts for about 5 minutes and then dissipates.

What foods you can not eat with palatal expander?

Include lots of fruits and vegetables, along with meat, milk and whole grain bread. Do not eat sticky or chewy foods such as gum, taffy, caramels or licorice. Do not eat hard foods like ice, nuts or popcorn. Whole raw carrots, celery and apples should be cut into bite-size pieces.

Are palate expanders worth it?

Palatal expanders are necessary to correct skeletal jaw discrepancies. When the upper jaw is more narrow than the lower jaw, your child will have a bite problem. This includes a crossbite on one side or both sides in the most extreme cases. There are legitimate reasons to start your child’s orthodontic treatment early.

Do expanders make you talk funny?

Altered Speech – When the expander goes in, the patient may talk a little funny and have a lisp. This is only temporary, and will usually last less than a couple days. The more the patient talks, the sooner he or she will get used to it and talk normally again.

Do you need braces after a palate expander?

Depending on your orthodontic needs, you may or may not require braces after wearing an expander. This is because braces correct the alignment of teeth that are already grown into place, which may not be necessary if an expander creates more space between teeth so teeth can straighten themselves.

What do you need to know about palate expanders?

What is a Palate Expander? Palate (palatal) expanders are orthodontic appliances that create more space in a child’s mouth by widening the palate (roof of the mouth) over time. The goal of palatal expansion is to widen narrow palates in children and correctly align the upper teeth and jaw.

How old do you have to be to get a palatal expander?

While palatal expansion can be done before the age of 7, it needs to be done very slowly. Rapid palatal expansion which is done before the age of 7 can possibly lead to some adverse nasal issues. Palatal expanders before the age of 7 are often done with a removable expander that also doubles as a retainer.

What are the side effects of palate expansion?

Other possible side effects of palatal expansion include: 1 Frequent headaches 2 Difficulty speaking, chewing, and/or swallowing 3 A build-up of food debris between the roof of the mouth and expander 4 Increased saliva production 5 A gap between the front teeth (diastema) More

When is the best time to do palate expansion?

The goal of palatal expansion is to widen narrow palates in children and correctly align the upper teeth and jaw. This treatment can only be completed before the jaw fully develops. The most effective way to prevent bad bites, crowded teeth, and other misalignment issues is to invest in palatal expansion at a young age.