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How long does it take to breed a legendary dragon in Dragon Mania Legends?

Breeding for this Dragon takes 2 days while incubating and subsequently hatching the resultant egg takes 2 days, 9 hours and 40 minutes. With an active VIP Status of Level 2 or higher, the breeding time is reduced to 1 day, 14 hours and 24 minutes while the hatching time is reduced to 1 day, 22 hours and 8 minutes.

What dragons take 8 hours to breed?

Breeding Times

Dragon Breed/Incubation Upgraded Breed
Obsidian 8 hours 6 hours 24 minutes
Promethium 8 hours 6 hours 24 minutes
Rain 8 hours 6 hours 24 minutes
Snow 8 hours 6 hours 24 minutes

What dragons take 44 hours to breed?

Breeding Time

Time Dragons
30 hours War
32 hours Prisma, Ice&Fire, Two Headed
36 hours Colossal, Juggernaut, Leviathan, Red Woods, Tesla, Dark Stone, Nightwind, Panzer, Elfic
44 hours Hydra

What dragons take 12 hours to breed?

Breeding Times

Dragon Breed/Incubation Upgraded Breed
Heat 12 hours 9 hours 36 minutes
Ironwood 12 hours 9 hours 36 minutes
Malachite 12 hours 9 hours 36 minutes
Moss 12 hours 9 hours 36 minutes

How to breed Dragons in Dragon Mania Legends?

Breeding Basics 1 Dragons must reach Level 4 before they can breed. 2 Each parent will pass at least one of their Elements to their offspring (unless exceptions occur). 3 The classification of a Dragon does not affect the breeding outcome. 4 Breeding lower-level Dragons typically produces lower-rarity offspring.

Can you get Dragon of the month in Dragon Mania?

Some Dragons are not normally obtained through standard breeding. They may be awarded through events or a variety of other methods, or be offered for limited-time breeding, as in the case of the Dragon of the Week and the Dragon of the Month. Additionally, Chronos, Boss Dragons and Clan Dragons can not be obtained through breeding.

How long does it take to breed a Storm Dragon?

Thus, without VIP, the breeding time is 4 hours hours while with VIP, the breeding time is 3 hours and 12 minutes. The Storm Dragon is classified as Epic and possesses the Wind, Energy & Void Elements. Thus, without VIP, the breeding time is 22 hours hours while with VIP, the breeding time is 17 hours and 36 minutes.

What happens if you breed the same dragon multiple times?

Breeding the same pair of Dragons multiple times can lead to various results since the specific Dragon that will hatch is randomly chosen based on the available Elements of the parent Dragons. Breeding two Dragons of higher levels will increase the chances of producing a Dragon of higher rarity.