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How is the phase diagram of CO2 similar to that of water?

The phase diagram of CO2 is similar to the phase diagram of water: sublimation curve, vaporization curve, triple point, critical temperature and pressure. Of course, the P and T values of are unique to carbon dioxide. Solid CO2 is more dense than liquid CO2. Solid CO2 sublimes when heated.

What are the physical properties of 2024 aluminum?

Physical Properties of 2024 Aluminum Each alloy contains a specific percentage of alloying elements that imbue the base aluminum with certain beneficial qualities. In 2024 aluminum alloy, these elemental percentages are 4.4% Cu, 1.5% Mg, and 0.6% Mn, nominally.

What are the phases of en Aw 2024-T3?

The microstructure of the EN AW-2024-T3 alloy contains not only the α and Θ phases, but also the Θ’ precipitates, as shown by Huda et al.. The α phase corresponds to the dissolution of copper and other alloying elements in the aluminium crystal lattice….

How is 2024 aluminum used in everyday life?

Clad aluminum is so popular that a series of AlClad products have been developed and are widely used to give corrosion-weak alloys like 2024 the best of both worlds. This development makes 2024 aluminum especially useful because its strength can be implemented where the bare alloy would normally degrade.

What is the name of the solid phase of carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide in solid phase is called dry ice. At the critical point there is no change of state when pressure is increased or if heat is added. The triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which the three phases (gas, liquid, and solid) of that substance coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium.

When does CO2 have the same density as water?

Liquid CO2 can be produced only at pressures above 5atm. The temperature range for liquid CO2 is narrower than that for water. As the pressure of a gas increases, its density increases. At the critical point, the liquid and gas phases have exactly the same density, and only a single phase exists. This single phase is called a supercritical fluid.

What happens to carbon dioxide at the critical point?

The curve between the triple point downwards to zero pressure shows the sublimation point with changes in pressure (Sublimation: transformation from solid phase directly to gas phase). Carbon dioxide in solid phase is called dry ice. At the critical point there is no change of state when pressure is increased or if heat is added.