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How do you use Yuanfen in a sentence?

Sentences Mobile The concept of ” synchronicity ” from the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung is a good English translation of ” yuanfen “. Their union was, according to Min’s mother, yuanfen, ” that apportionment of love which is destined for you in this world .”

What is the concept of yuan?

Chinese money, however, comes by two names: the Yuan (CNY) and the people’s renminbi (RMB). The distinction is subtle: while renminbi is the official currency of China where it acts as a medium of exchange, the yuan is the unit of account of the country’s economic and financial system.

Have fate without destiny?

Yuanfen(Chinese): A relationship by fate or destiny. The proverb, “have fate without destiny,” describes couples who meet, but who don’t stay together, for whatever reason. It’s interesting, to distinguish in love between the fated and the destined.

What is the meaning of common destiny?

showTranscriptions. Community of common destiny for mankind, sometimes translated as community with a shared future for mankind, is a phrase used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to describe a stated foreign-policy goal of the People’s Republic of China.

What do you call someone you love but can’t have?

When you love someone you can’t have, you might call it a couple of different things. If you didn’t have them because they don’t like you back, it would be called unrequited love. One may also call it one-sided love.

What do you call someone who can’t find love?

People who are aromantic, also known as “aro,” don’t develop romantic attractions for other people. Aromantic people do form strong bonds and have loving relationships that have nothing to do with romance.

What type of noun is destiny?

Destiny is what’s meant to be, what’s written in the stars, your inescapable fate. A noun meaning fate, destiny is synonymous with other nouns like divine decree, fortune, and serendipity. There’s no avoiding destiny — it’s going to happen no matter what you do.

What does the term yuanfen mean in China?

Yuánfèn (缘分) is a common term often heard among the local Chinese and is strongly tied to the idea of relationships in China, both personal and business. As discussed in a previous article on relationships, in China there is a strong emphasis placed on building and maintaining networks of personal and business relationships.

Is the concept of yuanfen related to synchronicity?

The concept of synchronicity from the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung can be seen as similar to yuánfèn, [citation needed] which Chinese people also believe to be a universal force governing the happening of things to some people at some places. Yuánfèn belongs to the family of concepts known in theology as determinism.

Is the concept of Yuan still alive in China?

Yang and Ho’s research found that these concepts are still very much alive in Chinese social life and culture among university students. The concepts of yuan and yuanfen and beliefs in predestination and fatalism have waned, and belief in yuan has waned as well, but continuity with past conceptions is still strong.

How is yuanfen similar to the concept of karma?

It is comparable to the concept of karma in Buddhism, but yuanfen is interactive rather than individual. The driving forces and causes behind yuánfèn are said to be actions done in previous incarnations .