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How do you use CAER in Spanish?

Here les does not mean they. Instead, it identifies that their dentist is liked by them. Caer is conjugated based who is being liked: cae for a single person and caen for more than one person….Caer bien/mal = to like/dislike (someone)

Tu amiga me cae bien. I like your friend
Tus amigas me caen bien. I like your friends

How do you use caer bien like Gustar?

Usage notes Caer bien and caer mal can be used to show whether a person likes or dislikes another person. In this sense, caer bien is used like gustar, but in a friendship way, with the person being liked as the subject of the sentence instead of the object. Therefore, the verb is conjugated to reflect the subject.

What does the verb caer mean?

Spanish Verb Fall Caer means “to fall” and is usually reflexive when the subject is an actual person or thing and is falling.

What is the difference between CAER and Caerse?

Officially, caer (pronounced kah-EHR) is the verb we should use in Spanish to mean ‘to fall. After all, caerse is a reflexive verb, which means that the action was actively done by the subject of the sentence and affects that same subject.

What is the yo form of Conducir?

Conducir is a Spanish irregular verb meaning to drive….Conducir Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo conduzco
él/ella conduce
ns. conducimos
vs. conducís

What is the preterite form of OIR?


Yo oímos
oíste oísteis
Él/Ella/Ud. oyó oyeron

Why is Caerse reflexive?

After all, caerse is a reflexive verb, which means that the action was actively done by the subject of the sentence and affects that same subject. Only a living thing can carry out an action in such a way, and so reflexive verbs are generally only used for living things.

How is the phrase’caer bien’used in Spanish?

The phrase “caer bien” is used pretty much in the same way ” gustar” is used. ” me gusta el jefe” and “me cae bien el jefe” are interpreted the same way. “I like the boss”. Although these are not really refexive verbs, they always take an indirect object pronoun. In my mind, any difference is somewhat academic.

What does it mean to fall well CAER Bien?

Caer bien literaly translated means “to fall well”. So when we translate our phrase: Great, that doesn’t make much sense, does it? Now that we’ve gotten our literal translation out of the way, which isn’t doing us much good, let’s talk about what this really means.

What’s the difference between Gustar and Caer Bien?

The phrase “caer bien” is used pretty much in the same way ” gustar” is used. ” me gusta el jefe” and “me cae bien el jefe” are interpreted the same way. “I like the boss”.