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How do I store variables in selenium?

To store variables in Selenium IDE, we use the “store” command. The illustration below stores the value “tutorial” to a variable named “myVariable.” To access the variable, simply enclose it in a ${ … } symbol.

What are Selenium IDE commands?

Selenium IDE commands

Command Target Value
dragAndDropToObject The locator of the element to be dragged The locator of the element on which the target element is dropped.
echo The string to be printed in the log console.
executeScript Javascript variable
executeAsyncScript Javascript variable

How do I save a case in Selenium IDE?

Step 1 – To save the test script, Click on the File menu and select “Save Test Case” option. Step 2 – The system will prompt us to browse or enter the desired location to save our test case and to provide the test script name. Furnish the test name as “Gmail_Login” and click on the “Save” button.

How do I save text in selenium?

storeText (target, pattern) – Selenium IDE command The storeText command in the Selenium IDE software testing tool is useful to store the text value of page element in to variable for future use. So it the recommended command for web scraping information from HTML text and tables.

What extension does Selenium IDE use?

New Selenium IDE saves the Tests with side extension file having JSON Content. As part of exploring the other Selenium IDE features in-depth, I will explain about the Selenium IDE’s process of saving the Test file with side extension having JSON Content inside them. Let’s get started with a practical demonstration.

When should I use Selenium IDE?

Selenium IDE allows to edit, record and debug the tests. The main purpose to create Selenium IDE is to increase the speed of test case creation. It helps the users to take record quickly and play back tests in the actual environment that will run in. The interface supports multiple extensions and it is user-friendly.

What can be done while running the tests with IDE?

There are several features provided in the IDE under the toolbar, using which one can control the execution of test cases:

  1. Speed Control – Helps control the speed of test cases.
  2. Run All – Allows execution of the entire Test Suite.
  3. Run – Runs the currently selected test.

How do I use echo in Selenium IDE?

echo (text, color) – Selenium IDE command The echo command is useful to display text (comments, notes) and/or the stored value of variables in the log area of any Selenium IDE software testing tool. It is often used for debugging and documentation purposes. It does not influence macro execution in any way.

What are the limitations of Selenium-IDE?

Limitations of Selenium IDE

  • Not suitable for testing extensive data.
  • Connections with the database can not be tested.
  • Cannot handle the dynamic part of web-based applications.
  • Does not support capturing of screenshots on test failures.
  • No feature available for generating result reports.

How to store a variable in Selenium IDE?

To store variables in Selenium IDE, we use the “store” command. The illustration below stores the value “tutorial” to a variable named “myVariable.”. To access the variable, simply enclose it in a ${ } symbol. For example, to enter the value of “myVariable” onto the “userName” textbox of Mercury Tours, enter ${myVariable} in the Value field.

What is the purpose of the store value command in selenium?

store value is one of the commands in Selenium IDE. The purpose of the store value command is to retrieve and store the value attribute value of the located UI element into a variable in Selenium IDE.

When to use ” store ” and ” Echo ” in selenium?

The “store” command (and all its variants) are used to store variables in Selenium IDE. The “echo” command is used to print a string value or a variable. Variables are enclosed within a ${…} when being printed or used on elements. Selenium IDE automatically presses the OK button when handling alerts.

How is an alert handled in Selenium IDE?

Alerts are probably the simplest form of pop-up windows. The most common Selenium IDE commands used in handling alerts are the following: Remember these two things when working with alerts: Selenium IDE will automatically click on the OK button of the alert window, and so you will not be able to see the actual alert.