
If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book

How do I make a book cover in InDesign?

2. Set up the Cover Template in Adobe InDesign

  1. Open up Adobe InDesign.
  2. Go to File > New > Document, and set the Intent of the document to Print.
  3. Name the custom size Paperback Book and set the Width to 132 mm and Height to 197 mm.
  4. Set the Margins on all sides to 11 mm and the Bleed to 5 mm.

How do I add a cover page in InDesign?

Create a Rectangular Frame that covers the entire project area (going from the top left corner of the black box to the bottom right) – then using the Place command (File>Place) find the Cover template PDF, select the top left corner, and drop the cover template file into your document.

Which Adobe program is best for book covers?

Most professional book cover designers use a program from the Adobe Creative Suite:

  • InDesign. InDesign is a multi-page design platform but can also be used for single page design.
  • Photoshop. Photoshop is a great tool to use to manipulate and experiment with photography.
  • Illustrator.
  • Photoshop and Illustrator.

How do you layout a book cover?


  1. Understand the elements of a cover. A book cover has three mandatory parts: the front cover and the back cover, connected by the spine.
  2. Research the market.
  3. Choose a design direction.
  4. Figure out what the design needs to emphasize.
  5. Choose graphics and fonts.
  6. Collect feedback.
  7. Know what the printer needs.

How do you make an amazing book cover?

How to Choose a Great Book Cover

  1. Be Smart About Your Title. The title is one of the most important elements on your cover.
  2. Use a Teaser. A good strategy of manipulating the reader into buying your book is providing a teaser on the cover.
  3. Pick the Right Font and Background Image.
  4. Make the Cover Personal.
  5. You Can Go Simple.

How do you make a book template in InDesign?

How to design a book in InDesign

  1. Plan the layout. Click the icon to enlarge the image.
  2. Set properties. The inside margins need to be large enough to accound for the gutter.
  3. Drag guides. Click the icon to enlarge the image.
  4. Create text boxes.
  5. Link pages.

Which is the best book cover template for InDesign?

There’s nothing more impressive than a well-designed book cover. And the Bermus template is a great addition for any Adobe InDesign lover. This template features three master pages along with many creative layouts to choose from. Design your next book today with this professional book design template! Need a colorful way to showcase your brand?

How many pages in an InDesign book template?

Get access to master pages, free fonts, and a total of 28 pages. Celebrate your next selection of fall fashions with a stylish lookbook. This InDesign book template features 32 print-ready pages with a 3 mm bleed guide.

Do you need CS4 to edit an e-book template?

A minimum version of CS4 is required to edit this template. Introduce your brand online with a corporate e-book template. This classic design features sleek, geometric elements with photos you can easily replace with landscape, cityscape or portrait photography. Edit the 16-page file to your liking and launch it with style.

How do you create a hyperlink in Adobe InDesign?

To create a hyperlink, select an object on the page, and then right-click and choose Hyperlinks > New Hyperlink. With your eBook pages and cover ready, choose from several formats such as Interactive PDF, Publish Online, and Fixed-Layout ePUB — and publish directly from InDesign.