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How do I connect to Cisco Catalyst 2950?

Connect the Cisco serial console cable into the console port on the Cisco Catalyst 2950 switch and connect the other end of the cable into the 9-pin serial port, which is usually located on the back or side of the Windows XP computer.

How can I find switch configuration?

How to configure Cisco switch?

  1. Initial command prompt “Switch>” appears on the screen.
  2. Type “enable” next to it and press “Enter”.
  3. This will take you into the “EXEC” mode, also known as the Global Configuration mode.
  4. Go into configure mode using configure terminal.
  5. Enter the configuration commands one per line.

How do I access a Cisco router using putty?

Configure putty to be able to communicate with the router over the USB port ( /dev/ttyUSB0 ).

  1. run sudo putty.
  2. Click on Serial for the Connection Type:
  3. Set the serial line to /dev/ttyUSB0.
  4. Click on Keyboard, then set backspace key to Control-H.
  5. Click on Session . Click on Default Settings. Click Save .
  6. Click Open .

How do you set up a Catalyst 2960 switch?

How to Configure Cisco 2960 Switches Step by Step?

  1. Connect the hosts to the switch and configure them.
  2. Connect the router to the switch and configure the router.
  3. Configure the switch.
  4. Configure the management interface on VLAN 1.
  5. Verify the configuration of the switch.
  6. Verify connectivity using ping and Telnet.

How do I connect my Cisco router to a USB console cable?

How to Connect Cisco Device via USB Cable Using Putty

  1. Login to Cisco’s support site and download the Cisco USB Console driver.
  2. Plug in USB cable to Cisco device and PC.
  3. From your PC open Device Manage à Ports should now show the Cisco Serial (COM3) listed.

How do I connect my Cisco console to my laptop?

Steps as follows: Plug the serial DB-9 end of the console cable into the serial DB-9 port on your laptop. If your laptop has no serial DB-9 port, plug the serial DB-9 end of the console cable into the serial DB-9 end of a USB to serial DB-9 adapter and then into a USB port on your laptop.

How do I navigate in putty?

Just type “pwd” and hit enter. cd: Now, you are at a location and you want to navigate to another. Type “cd /location” and you will reach that location. It stands for “change directory”.

How do I configure a Cisco Catalyst?

How to Configure Cisco Switch: A Step-by-Step Guide with Commands

  1. Connect the Switch to PuTTY.
  2. Enter Privileged EXEC Mode and Set a Hostname for the Switch.
  3. Assign a Password to the Switch.
  4. Configure Telnet and Console Access Passwords.
  5. Configure IP Addresses With Telnet Access.

What is the default IP for Cisco Catalyst 2960?
The switch has a default IP address “10.0. 0.1” and a secondary IP address “10.0. 0.3”.