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How do I change my payment info on Vudu?

To do this in a web browser:

  1. First log in here: (or click sign in/ Sign up at the top of the page).
  2. After logging in, you will see the “My Account” drop-down menu at the top right of the page – select “Payment Information”.
  3. Click the “Add Credit Card” button.

How do I remove a device from my Vudu account?

Sign In to VUDU using your e-mail and password. From the My Account drop down, select Manage Devices. Click the Deactivate Device icon for any devices that you wish to disconnect from the account.

How do I log into Vudu on my TV?

To activate VUDU on your TV Box:

  1. Press on the remote control, select Apps, and press ok.
  2. On the Apps page, select VUDU and press ok.
  3. Do one of the following: If you’re already a VUDU account, select Log In and press ok. If you don’t yet have a VUDU account, select Sign Up and press ok.

Can I get a refund on Vudu?

All you have to do is contact the company through a phone call. After checking the time and duration of watching, the refunded money should go back to your Vudu account within 24 hours.

How do I remove my credit card info from Vudu?

You can update your payment method on . If you would like all payment methods cleared, give us a call at 1-888-554-VUDU so we can clear them.

How do you pay on Vudu?

We accept all of the following forms of payment:

  1. Credit (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover)
  2. Visa or MasterCard debit cards.
  3. PayPal.
  4. Vudu or FandangoNow gift cards.

How do I contact VUDU Customer service?

Let us know how we can assist you by filling out the form below and one of our representatives will respond to you via email. Or you can click on the chat widget in the bottom right corner for immediate assistance. If you need technical support, please call us at 1-888-554-VUDU.

How many devices can I have on my Vudu account?

8 Device Limitation – Vudu Forums.

How do I activate Vudu on my Roku?

  1. Go to the Channel Store. VUDU is free to add to your Roku® player.
  2. Scroll to the “Movies & TV” category. Use the arrow buttons on your remote control to highlight the VUDU channel and select “OK”.
  3. Install and launch VUDU. Select “Add Channel”.
  4. Set up your VUDU Account.

Can I get Vudu on my smart TV?

Vudu plays on all of your favorite devices. Watch Vudu on web-enabled smart TVs. Mobile devices and the Vudu app. It’s a dream stream.

How do I contact Vudu Customer service?

Is Vudu owned by Walmart?

Vudu was acquired by Walmart in March 2010. Vudu began by only making its own set-top boxes (the Vudu Box and the Vudu XL), but Vudu now primarily markets its software as a smart TV/connected TV platform and video on demand ( VoD ) distribution service to third-party consumer electronics devices.

What channels does Vudu offer?

Yes, VUDU carries cable programming, including premium channels like HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and Starz, which means you can watch premium shows without a cable subscription.

How do you cancel Vudu?

To cancel your service you must email VUDU [email protected](Unfortunately Vudu does not have phone service to call and cancel your account). When writing your email be sure to include a subject title “I would like to cancel my Vudu account”.

How do I add Vudu to my Apple TV?

The quickest way to sign in to Vudu on your Apple TV is to sync with the Vudu app on your iPhone or iPad. Vudu, Inc. After launching Vudu, scroll to the Settings menu at the top. If the top menu isn’t showing, tap the Home button on your Apple TV remote. The Account setting should be chosen by default.