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How do I avoid sorting in maps?

The way map is implemented internally, it’s not possible for you to prevent keys to be sorted. However, you can maintain an additional list(using vector) to store the order in which keys appear. Later on, iterate over the map and the vector to achieve what you want.

Does STD set sort?

std::set is an associative container that contains a sorted set of unique objects of type Key . Sorting is done using the key comparison function Compare. Sets are usually implemented as red-black trees.

Is map automatically sorted?

No two mapped values can have equal key values. By default, a Map in C++ is sorted in increasing order based on its key.

Is HashMap KeySet ordered?

As we know that Hash map in Java does not maintain insertion order either by key or by order. Also it does not maintain any other order while adding entries to it.

Is it possible to sort the entries in Map based on the values rather than by keys?

The difference between sorting HashMap by Keys and Values is that it can have duplicate values but not duplicate Keys. We cannot use TreeMap to sort values because TreeMap sorts elements by Keys.

How efficient is std map?

The performance difference are not so dramatic in the case of the GCC compiler. Therefore, the optimized access with std::map is about 20% faster, but the access time of std::unordered_map about 6 times faster.

What is std :: less?

The std::less is a is a member of the functional class () used for performing comparisons. It is defined as a function object class for less than inequality comparison which returns a boolean value depending upon the condition.

Is there way to disable sort warning in Excel?

When we select data to be sorted and either RHS or LHS contains data, excel will prompt sort warning to expand the selection. can we disable it? No it seems it’s imposible unless you use s macro for sorting the you can turn off the warning.

How to disable sorting but allow filtering in VBA?

Re: Disable sorting but allow filtering. Don’t enter it in a module or a normal subroutine (sub). Go into your VBA editor (Ctrl+F11), Then click ‘this workbook, (if you want it applied to whole workbook). In the drop down boxes above the code area, find ‘WORKBOOK’ and ‘OPEN’. Drop the two lines of code in there.

What’s the best way to unsort data in Excel?

All you need to do is sort in an ascending order based on the temporary column that we added. This will give us the original data back. In case you’re using VBA to sort a dataset, you won’t be able to undo it with Control Z, but using a temporary column will still work and help you unsort the data.

Is there a way to lock sorting in Excel?

Nope, not if you go to the protectsheet dialogue box (which version of excel are you in?) you can set it to allow editing of cells and just lock sorting. You will also need to select the entire sheet, go to format cells and turn off ‘locked’.