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How do balloon powered cars work?

When you blow up a balloon, set your racer down and then let it go, the escaping air from the balloon rushes out of the straw. This is your car’s propulsion system. As the air flows from the balloon, the energy changes to kinetic energy (or the energy of motion). The moving balloon-powered car uses kinetic energy.

How do you make a balloon powered car?


  1. Put your car down on a flat surface and give it a good push.
  2. Tape the neck of the balloon around one end of the other straw.
  3. Cut a small hole in the top of the water bottle, just big enough to push the straw through.
  4. Push the free end of the straw through the hole and out the mouth of the bottle.

How does Newton’s third law apply to a balloon powered car?

Balloon cars rely on Newton’s Third Law of Motion . As the air rushes backward out of the balloon it pushes the car forward in the opposite direction with an equal force.

What is the science behind balloon car?

Balloons are elastic and store potential energy when they are filled with air. When the air is released, the potential energy is converted into the energy of motion, which is also known as kinetic energy. This is the energy you see when the car is propelled forward.

How does friction affect a balloon car?

Because my balloon car is moving, there has to be a force or forces acting upon it. Another Force, Friction, is also acting upon the car as it moves in the form of rolling friction and air resistance which ultimately slows it down.

What forces act on a balloon powered car that made it move forward?

What forces are acting on the balloon rocket car? There are two main forces acting on the balloon rocket car: Friction and Air resistance. The friction force is the resistance between two objects sliding against each other.

How do you make a car move by itself?

Run a string from the trap’s spring-loaded jaw to a peg on the rear axle, then pry open the jaw as you move the car backwards on the ground, wrapping the string around the rear axle. When you release the car, the jaw will shut, pulling the string and spinning the rear axle, which propels the car.

What forces act on a balloon powered car?

How does a car powered by a balloon work?

How Does It Work. As the air flows from the balloon, the energy changes to kinetic energy or the energy of motion. The moving Balloon-Powered Car is using kinetic energy. If you aim your car down a ramp from the top of the ramp, just lifting it up into position adds potential energy thanks to gravity.

Where to place a balloon in a race car?

You want to place the straw toward the rear of the car and the balloon toward the front in about the center of the base. The straw sticks way out of the back and it needs to be as straight as you can make it. Securely tape the straw in place over the tape already on it from Step 4.

What should I do if my Balloon car gets stuck?

Put your car down on a flat surface and give it a good push. Make sure the car rolls easily and coasts for a bit before stopping. If your car gets stuck or does not roll smoothly make sure: your axles are parallel to each other; the hole in each bottle cap is centered; and the straws are securely taped to the water bottle and do not wobble.

How do you inflate a water bottle with a balloon?

Cut a small hole in the top of the water bottle, just big enough to push the straw through. Push the free end of the straw through the hole and out the mouth of the bottle. Use tape to secure the straw to the bottle. Blow through the straw to inflate the balloon, then put your finger over the tip of the straw to trap the air.