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Do cookies apply to subdomains?

However, all modern browsers respect the newer specification RFC 6265, and will ignore any leading dot, meaning you can use the cookie on subdomains as well as the top-level domain.

How do I set the same cookie for different domains?

Setting cookies for another domain is not possible. If you want to pass data to another domain, you can encode this into the url.

How do I share cookies with subdomains?

If you want to share cookies across subdomains, but leave out other subdomains, you should explicitly state which subdomains you want to read them, setting a new cookie for each, rather than using wildcards.

Can cookies belong to multiple domains?

1 Answer. A cookie can only have 1 domain value. So you can either set it to a specific domain or the top domain wich includes all the subdomains.

How is cookie domain set?

To summarize, rules to follow regarding cookie domain: The origin domain of a cookie is the domain of the originating request. If the origin domain is an IP, the cookie’s domain attribute must not be set. If a cookie’s domain attribute is not set, the cookie is only applicable to its origin domain.

How do I set a cookie domain for localhost?

Set-Cookie: name=value; domain=localhost; expires=Thu, 16-Jul-2009 21:25:05 GMT; path=/ or (when I set the domain to . localhost): Set-Cookie: name=value; domain=.

Can you set a cookie on a redirect?

2), Opera (12.11) both on Windows and Mac, set cookies on redirects. This is true for both 301 and 302 redirects. The SameSite attribute of a cookie specifies whether the cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context.

Is cookie domain specific?

The origin domain of a cookie is the domain of the originating request. If the origin domain is an IP, the cookie’s domain attribute must not be set. If a cookie’s domain attribute is not set, the cookie is only applicable to its origin domain.

Are cookies tied to domain?

What is cookie domain attribute?

The Domain attribute specifies which hosts can receive a cookie. If unspecified, the attribute defaults to the same host that set the cookie, excluding subdomains. If Domain is specified, then subdomains are always included. Therefore, specifying Domain is less restrictive than omitting it.

How do I set browser cookies?

Enabling Cookies in Your Browser

  1. Click ‘Tools’ (the gear icon) in the browser toolbar.
  2. Choose Internet Options.
  3. Click the Privacy tab, and then, under Settings, move the slider to the top to block all cookies or to the bottom to allow all cookies, and then click OK.

Can you set a cookie from a subdomain?

Please everyone note that you can set a cookie from a subdomain on a domain. (sent in the response for requesting But you CAN’T set a cookie from a domain on a subdomain. (sent in the response for requesting WHY? According to the specifications RFC 6265 section 5.3.6 Storage Model

How to set a cookie to share across domains?

When setting a cookie, you can specify the domain to set it on or not, but if you don’t, the default is to set the cookie for only the specific domain you’re setting it on. To set a cookie that will be shared across the setting domain and all sibling and child domains, set the cookie’s domain to “”.

How to set cookies from a parent site?

If you’re having multiple sites in where you need to set a cookie from a parent site, you can use basic HTML and JS to set the cookies. Google is using this same way. For this tutorial, we will refer to three domains : We will set cookies on and from

Can a subdomain be set on a root domain?

The unique ports create subdomains on the rootdomain, so you can set cookies on this root domain and have them shared between the two applications. It won’t work to use localhost:8000, because a domain must have at least two parts, a top level domain, the “.com” and a second level or main domain, the “rootdomain”.