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What is CERN and why is it important? Advancing the frontiers of technology Fundamental research is CERN’s primary mission, but the Laboratory also plays a vital role in developing the technologies of tomorrow. From materials science to computing, particle physics demands the ultimate in performance, making CERN an important test-bed for industry. What does CERN…

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What are methods of collecting data for preschool teachers? 1 Observation. Observing children in their natural environment allows you to gain an understanding of their behaviors and academic thought processes. 2 Interview. An interview allows you to gain an understanding of the child from his own perspective. 3 Performance-based Assessment. 4 Behavior Assessment. What are…

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What is a Status strip in visual basic? A StatusStrip control displays information about an object being viewed on a Form, the object’s components, or contextual information that relates to that object’s operation within your application. Typically, a StatusStrip control consists of ToolStripStatusLabel objects, each of which displays text, an icon, or both. What is…

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How do I make a background image fit the whole page in HTML? The magic happens with the background-size property: background-size: cover; cover tells the browser to make sure the image always covers the entire container, in this case html . How would you change the size of background image so it fits the entire…

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Do trail cameras scare big bucks? Absolutely no question about it, Yes trail cameras could spook deer! Before you go sell the camera you just got look closely at that statement. A very mature cautious deer may be onto you and every move your making with that camera. Each deer could react differently if they…

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How many turns on a garage door spring chart? A rule of thumb with springs is that four quarter turns equals a full revolution and the spring needs to be tightened a full revolution for every foot of door height (e.g. 7-1/2 foot door = 7 revolutions +2 (30 quarter turns). What do garage door…

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How does a narcissist become a better person? The bottom line. Narcissistic tendencies can improve with support from a compassionate, trained therapist. If you choose to remain in a relationship someone dealing with these issues, it’s essential to work with your own therapist to establish healthy boundaries and develop resilience. Can I be a good…

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What is the method to detect QTL with a single marker? There are a number of statistical methods used for QTL identification. The simplest, and probably most common, is the single point (ie. single marker) linear regression. As in the previous example from Young, this approach looks at every marker-trait combination, one marker at a…

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How do I turn off Touch Unlock on Android? Open Settings > Lock screen & security > Advanced > Screen pinning. In Android 9 Pie and above, this section is called Security or Biometrics and Security instead of Lock screen & security. On Samsung devices, head to Settings > Biometrics and Security > Other Security…

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Can I add more memory to my HP laptop? Start with upgrading your laptop’s RAM Most laptops allow the user to upgrade their RAM or memory by adding a stick to a compartment in the computer. At HP®, most of our laptops have been designed so the user can open the unit with a Phillips…

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