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Can you jungle Aatrox?

In fact, World Ender Aatrox actually clears much faster than old Aatrox, using the same exact jungle path. If you don’t feel confident top, Aatrox jungle is definitely a great alternative.

Is Aatrox bad now?

Is Aatrox Good Right Now? Ranking as the #30 Best Pick In the Top Lane role for patch 11.22, placing it within our E-Tier Rank. A weak pick, likely in need of champion buffs, concerning difficulty, this is a moderately diffcult to play champion for new players in league of legends..

Why is Aatrox good in competitive?

High waveclear, late game scaling, mobility, engage AND disengage, and decent range. It’s not just that he’s “hard to play”, it’s that there is no reason not to pick him if he’s meta. He has no super abusable weaknesses.

When was Aatrox deleted?

Riot Games has removed Aatrox’s revive on the League PBE⁠ Riot has been considering the removal since Patch 9.12. Aatrox’s revive has been a key mechanic ever since his creation back in 2013⁠—Riot Games, however, has removed the revive from his ultimate ability on the League of Legends PBE.

Is Aatrox good for low ELO?

He’s asking for a low elo player is Aatrox good, which is obviously no. At Bronze and Silver, I would suggest that you do you. Being comfortable on your champion will matter a lot more at lower ELOs that the champion actually being strong.

How does Aatrox’s W work in the jungle?

However, his other abilities synergizes with his Q, which we will get to later. Aatrox’s W sends a projectile that, when it hits a champion or a large jungle monster, it creates a Viktor Gravity Field. If such a target is hit by Infernal Chains, they are slowed, and Infernal Chains creates a zone.

Which is better world ender or Aatrox jungle?

In fact, World Ender Aatrox actually clears much faster than old Aatrox, using the same exact jungle path. If you don’t feel confident top, Aatrox jungle is definitely a great alternative. With the updates to the new item shop, there are way more options available to Aatrox, giving him more flexibility in what to build.

Which is better J4 or Aatrox in jungle?

J4 has some good CC and lockdown, and is overall more useful than Aatrox’s CC. Make sure to shut him down early and countergank. She is a great tank, and has innate boost in armor and magic resistance.

What is the passive of Aatrox in League of Legends?

Aatrox’s passive is very simple and straightforward. He will deal bonus percent max health damage on his next auto attack, and heal off of that amount of damage. On large monsters, the damage is reduced to 100 HP.