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Can you hunt in Sherburne County wildlife Refuge?

Hunting Regulations & Map The refuge offers waterfowl, small game, fall turkey and deer hunting during state seasons.

How big is the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge?

30,700 acres

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
Area 30,700 acres (124 km2)
Established May 18, 1965
Governing body U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Website Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge

How many acres is Sherburne County Refuge?

The refuge’s 30,700 acres are celebrated both for their wildlife and the extraordinary opportunities provided to visitors. The upland habitats are dynamic, ranging from grasslands to oak savanna to oak forest.

Is Sherburne wildlife Refuge open?

The refuge is open 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset, seven days a week. Visitors may stop at Refuge Headquarters on Sherburne County Road 9 to pick up information for their visit, get updates on current wildlife sightings and visit the Friends of Sherburne’s Eagle’s Nest Nature Store.

Can you fish in Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge?

Fishing is allowed on the refuge following Minnesota State Regulations. From March 1 to August 31, fishing is allowed only on banks 100 yards up or down-stream of the designated fishing access points and from non-motorized boats on the designated canoe route specified in our Public Use Regulations and Map Brochure.

What parish is Sherburne Wildlife Management Area in?

Sherburne encompasses 40,000 acres within the Atchafalaya Basin and is located in Pointe Coupee, Iberville and St. Martin Parishes, as well as St. Landry.

What does Sherburne mean?

Sherburne Name Meaning English (mainly Yorkshire): habitational name from any of various places, for example in Durham and Yorkshire, so called from Old English scir ‘bright’ + burna ‘stream’. (In southern English dialects, burna became modern bourne, and Sherborne in Dorset is one of several places so called.)

What parish is Sherburne WMA in?

What area is Sherburne?

Sherburne is a ghost town located in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, United States in the Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge.

What is a Wild Louisiana stamp?

A Wild Louisiana Stamp is required of anyone not in possession of a hunting or fishing license and utilizing department-administered lands. Stamps and prints are sold to collectors via normal retail sales outlets.

What nationality is the last name Sherburne?

What are game fish in Louisiana?

Saltwater Game Fish: any sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus), blue marlin (Makaira indica), black marlin (Makaira nigricans), striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax), hatchet marlin (Tetrapturus spp.), white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus), and red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus).